SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions


Food Distribution, East End House Food Pantry, Cambridge, MA

Descriptions Objective: Help provide healthy, fresh, and shelf-stable food to Cambridge residents. Title: Volunteer Location: East End House, 105 Spring Street, Cambridge MA, 02141. When: Tuesdays and Fridays, 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM Who We Are: The East End House Community Food Pantry serves individuals and families throughout Cambridge. Wesupport over 200 households per month…

Stocking Food for the food pantry, East End House Food Pantry, Cambridge, MA

Descriptions Objective: Help stock donated food for the East End House Food Pantry. Title: Volunteer Location: East End House, 105 Spring Street, Cambridge MA, 02141. When: Thursdays, 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM Who We Are: The East End House Community Food Pantry serves individuals and families throughout Cambridge. Wesupport over 200 households per month by…

Call for Papers for Endnotes, American Library Association’s New Members Round Table (NMRT)

Description: Endnotes is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that addresses issues faced by librarians. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Endnotes accepts research and practitioner-based articles. Each edition of the journal will contain 2-3 scholarly articles written by members of…

Visual Arts Librarian, Boston University, Boston, MA

Job Description The Boston University Libraries seek a Visual Arts Librarian who will be responsible for collection development, library instruction, and research support for departments and programs related to the visual arts, art history, and architecture, including the School of Visual Arts in the College of Fine Arts, the History of Art & Architecture and…

Research Librarian (Natural Resources, Energy, and Environment), Congressional Research Services, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C

Closing date: 10/12/2023 Salary: $78,592 – $102,166 per year The Research Librarian will provide reference and research services to CRS policy analysts and congressional clients, focusing primarily on the areas of energy and environmental policy.  Candidates with a Master of Library Science (MLS) or equivalent degree and background in energy and environment are encouraged to apply….

Project Assistant, Harvard Law School Library, Cambridge, MA

Job Title Charles J. Ogletree, Jr. papers Project AssistantHistorical & Special Collections (HSC) at the Harvard Law School Library has anopening for one 14-hour per week onsite position beginning in October 2023. Theperson in this role will assist with the processing and digitization of the Charles J.Ogletree papers to help make the collection open for…

Live in House Manager, VA Medical Center, Boston, MA

Overview: Employer: Women’s Transitional Residence Program (TRUST House), VA Boston Healthcare SystemGeneral Duties: Primary responsibilities are to provide after-hours and weekend coverage in a residential mental health treatment program for up to 6 women veterans. The position responsibilities are to monitor and maintain the safety and security of the house and veterans along with two…

Community History & Digitization Specialist, Boston Public Library, Office 4, Boston, MA

Overview: Position Overview: The position of Community History and Digitization Specialist is a two-year, grant-funded position created in partnership between the Boston Public Library and Northeastern University. Under the provisions of a grant in support of the Northeastern University Library Boston Research Center (BRC), the Community History and Digitization Specialist will assist in cultivating and…

Head of Collection Development, Saint Anselm College, (Manchester, NH)

Geisel Library at Saint Anselm College seeks a thoughtful, team-oriented Collection Development librarian to lead the critical development of our many library collections in support our college curricula and community. Saint Anselm College is a nationally prominent Benedictine, Catholic, liberal arts college founded in 1889. Located in Manchester, NH, the college enrolls approximately 2,000 students…

SCORE Project, SCORE, Southeastern Massachusetts

SCORE is a not for profit organization whose mission is to foster vibrant small business communities through mentoring and education. The Southeastern Massachusetts chapter of SCORE has a large number of electronic resources, on the web and on internal drives, to assist individuals in various stages of small business development.  The goal of this project…