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Public Library Positions

Director, Westfield Athenaeum, Westfield, MA

The Westfield Athenaeum, a non-profit corporation, is seeking a proven professional leader to fill the position of Athenaeum Director.  We need a creative and energetic individual to direct all aspects of library operations to include administrative responsibility for staff of 29, budget and financial planning, programming, community relations, supervision of our extensive archival collection and…

Library Clerk, Central Square Branch, Cambridge Public Library, Cambridge, MA

#L422-716 15 hours per week Mon. 1pm-6pm, Tue. 4pm-9pm, Thurs 10am-3pm. The position also works approximately 2 Saturdays per month. On those weeks there is no Thursday shift and the Sat. hours are 9:30am-2:30pm. Hours are assigned and subject to change in order to meet the needs of the department and the Library. Qualifications: High school diploma…

Library Executive Director, Tuscaloosa Public Library, Tuscaloosa, AL

Think Tuscaloosa – Spirit, Energy and Passion! The next Tuscaloosa Public Library Executive Director will embody these traits and lead a spirited, energized, and passionate staff alongside its Board of Trustees as TPL embraces its role as a vital community partner and leader. The Trustees seek an executive director who can successfully create, connect, and collaborate…

Adult Services/Technology Librarian, Medfield Memorial Public Library, Medfield, MA

The Medfield Memorial Public Library, located in a suburb of Boston, seeks a full-time professional librarian to offer services to adults including reference, reader’s advisory and programming as well as overseeing the library’s technology infrastructure. The library serves a community of 12,000 residents with robust circulation, programming and library services.  The successful candidate will help…

Librarian/Director, Minot-Sleeper Library, Bristol, NH

The Minot-Sleeper Library seeks a highly motivated, experienced individual who can provide leadership and direction for a motivated staff of 3 plus 15 to 20 volunteers. The 40 hours per week position is primarily administrative and involves responsibility for planning, organizing and coordinating all library functions. The ideal candidate will have library work experience supported…

Library Clerk, Youth Services Department, Cambridge Public Library, Cambridge, MA

Position #L422-717 15 hours per week including evening and weekend shifts Using basic library techniques and skills under the general supervision of the professional staff, shelves and organizes materials, performs circulation, reader’s advisory and other duties relating to the provision of library service to children, teens, caregivers, and teachers. Qualifications: High school diploma or high school equivalency…

Library Director, Mystic and Noank Library, Mystic, CT

The Mystic and Noank Library (40 Library Street, Mystic, CT 06355; 860.536.7721; is an association library serving the residents of Mystic, Noank, Groton, and Stonington, Connecticut.  It has a budget of over $500,000, partially funded by local municipalities.  Facilities include a 10,000 square foot historic library building and grounds.  Dedicated staff of 13 includes…

Interim Library Director, Stevens Memorial Library, Ashburnham, MA

Duties/Description: The Board of Trustees of Ashburnham’s Stevens Memorial Library seeks an interim library director to support and lead staff and services during the director’s 12-week absence. The interim director will be able to articulate, support and promote the Library’s mission and collaborate with the Trustees, staff, volunteers and the community it serves. Qualifications: MLS…

Head of Reference Services, Boxford Public Library, Boxford, MA

The Town of Boxford Library seeks a Head of Reference Services to organize and supervise the services and activities of the reference and nonfiction departments, including reference and research assistance. Successful candidate must possess an MLS and have two years or more experience in a public library with reference experience. This is a thirty-five (35) hour per week benefit…

Library Manager, New Castle County Government, New Castle, DE

General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible administrative and professional library work as branch manager of one or more public libraries or major service unit within an automated library system; does related work as required. Distinguishing Features of the Class: An employee in this class applies professional library techniques and procedures in planning, initiating, coordinating…