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Professional Jobs Outside of New England

Faculty Position in Information and Library Science, Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington, IN

Title: Asst/ Assoc/ Full ProfessorDepartment: Information and Library ScienceExpected start date: 08/01/2016 Position summary:The School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, Bloomington, invites applications for a position beginning in Fall 2016 in the Department of Information and Library Science (all subareas solicited with preference for data curation, CSCW, digital libraries, information policy, digital youth,…

University Records Manager, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

University Records Manager #493034 The University of Florida seeks an experienced person to lead and manage the records management program at the university.  Reporting to the Chair of Special and Area Studies Collections at the George A. Smathers Libraries, the position will be responsible for managing the university-wide records and information management program by recommending…

Reference Assistant, The Historic New Orleans Collection, New Orleans, LA

The Reference Assistant assists researchers visiting the Williams Research Center during service hours and provides reference assistance to remote patrons. This position provides advice and direction on research in New Orleans-related subjects. This position also facilitates rights and reproductions requests according to THNOC’s policies and procedures. Additionally, the Reference Assistant is central to ensuring the security and…

Digital Library Subject Matter Expert, National Association of State Workforce Agencies, Washington, DC

The National Association of State Workforce Agencies’ (NASWA) Unemployment Integrity Team is seeking to hire a part-time Digital Library Subject Matter Expert to assist with establishing the Unemployment Insurance Digital Library for Integrity (UIDL).  The purpose of the UIDL is to provide easy access to research, training, materials, and other resources for state unemployment insurance…

Technology and Content Strategy Manager (Librarian III), Suffolk Public Library, Suffolk, VA

Library is more than just buildings full of books. We believe in connecting individuals and groups to information, ideas and experiences in any way possible, and we are looking for an innovative leader to help strengthen our ability to meet our patrons where they are. We want you to take our technology and collections to…

Instruction Librarian, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO

The Libraries at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) [] seeks a creative, enthusiastic individual for the position of Instruction Librarian and Assistant Professor of University Libraries, position number F99991. This is a contract-renewable position that reports to the Head of Instructional Services. UNC instruction librarians teach students from a variety of diverse backgrounds and…

Librarian for Health Sciences, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA

LIBRARIAN FOR HEALTH SCIENCES: Old Dominion University Libraries are looking for a librarian to help define and create a new liaison program. The successful candidate will take the initiative to identify, engage, and collaborate with colleagues to assess the information and resources needs of health sciences faculty, students, and staff, and develop services, collections, instruction,…

Instructional Services Librarian, East Central University, Ada, OK

12-Month Non-tenure Track Librarian/Instructor Do you want to… Engage in a wide range of valuable professional experiences? Work in a collaborative atmosphere where everyone’s voice matters?  Use your creativity and enthusiasm to direct an instructional services program?  If so, the Instructional Services Librarian opening at East Central University’s Linscheid Library may be a great fit…

Engineering Librarian Senior Rank, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA

Specialization: Engineering LibrarianJob Opening ID (JOID): 23400Rank: Senior Assistant Librarian, Tenure-track The Martin Luther King Jr. Library seeks an innovative and creative student-centered librarian to provide leadership in the area of Engineering Librarianship. The Engineering Librarian will collaborate with faculty, library staff, and campus staff, and on the development of innovative services and support for…

Business Librarian Senior Rank, San Jose State University, San José, CA

Subject to Budgetary ApprovalSpecialization: Business LibrarianJob Opening ID (JOID): 23401Rank: Senior Assistant Librarian, Tenure-track The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library seeks an innovative and creative student-centered librarian to provide leadership in the area of Business Librarianship. The Business Librarian will collaborate with faculty, library staff, and campus staff, and on the development of innovative…