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South Carolina

Science and Research Impact Librarian, Clemson University (Clemson, SC)

Job Summary: Clemson University Libraries seek two service-focused, collaborative, and innovative librarians to join our team as Science and Research Impact Librarians. These positions will serve as direct liaisons to select departments within the College of Science (COS) and the College of Engineering, Computing, and Applied Sciences (CECAS), providing research assistance, instruction, and outreach to…

Archivist for Military Heritage, Clemson University, (Clemson, SC)

Job Description: Clemson University Libraries seeks an innovative, collaborative, and service-oriented archivist as Archivist for Military Heritage. This temporary lecturer position will be dedicated to working with our military archives. The responsibilities include arrangement and description of archival collections, conducting oral history interviews, and facilitating learning opportunities for students and the public by celebrating and…

eCollectons Access and Licensing Librarian, Clemson University Libraries, (Anderson, SC)

eCollections Access and Licensing Librarian Clemson University Libraries invites candidates for an eCollections Access and Licensing Librarian to join its Collections & Discovery Division. The Libraries’ materials budget is currently $9.5 million with over 80% spent on electronic resources. Electronic resources managed by the eResources team include e-books, e-journals, databases, streaming media, and data sets….

Digital Pedagogy Librarian, Lander University, (Greenwood, SC)

Type: Faculty (promotional-track, non-tenure) Category: Librarian (Rank — Assistant Librarian) Job Purpose: The Digital Pedagogy Librarian enhances information literacy learning practices and outcomes through discerning use of technology platforms and tools. Job Duties: • Maintains library online platforms, tools, and spaces. • Keeps abreast of and reflects on emerging literacy trends. • Provides information literacy…

Department Head for Open Scholarship, Clemson Libraries, (Clemson, SC)

Clemson Libraries seeks a dynamic, driven, and collaborative Department Head for Open Scholarship to provide leadership and expertise at Clemson Libraries. The Open Scholarship Department includes services such as open educational resources, scholarly communications, experiential learning, research data services, and digital humanities/scholarship.  The department also houses two learning spaces: Adobe Studio & Makerspace and the…

Scholarly Communications Librarian, Clemson University Libraries, Clemson, SC

Descriptions Clemson Libraries seek a dynamic, entrepreneurial, and collaborative Scholarly Communications Librarian to help advance the Libraries’ scholarly communications initiatives. The Scholarly Communications Librarian will provide leadership and expertise in the areas of scholarly communications, copyright, open access, and research impact. The Scholarly Communications Librarian will be a critical position to the Libraries’ strategic growth…

Data Services Librarian, Clemson Libraries, (Clemson, SC)

Clemson Libraries seek a dynamic, entrepreneurial, and collaborative Data Services Librarian to lead the Libraries’ research data services. The Data Services Librarian will play a key role in continuing and expanding the Libraries’ research data services that will further support Clemson’s strategic priority to double research by 2035. The Data Services Librarian will support faculty,…

E-Resources Discovery Librarian position at Clemson University Libraries, (Clemson, SC)

Clemson Libraries seeks a dynamic, driven, and collaborative eResources Discovery Librarian to ensure access to and discoverability of academic resources for the Clemson University community. This position leads efforts related to the creation and improvement of metadata for electronic resources, including individual and package subscriptions, e-books, demand driven acquisitions, open access resources, streaming resources, and…

Art & Architecture Librarian & Director of the Gunnin Architecture Library, Clemson University Library, Clemson, SC

Description: Clemson University Libraries seeks an outgoing, collaborative, and creative librarian to guide and direct the services and collections at the Gunnin Architecture Library.  The Emery A. Gunnin Architecture Library is a two-story facility located in Lee Hall on the Clemson campus and supports programs in art, architecture, city and regional planning, construction, landscape architecture,…

Science Librarian, Clemson University, Clemson, SC

Description: Clemson University Libraries seek a service-focused, science-loving, collaborative librarian to serve as a Science Librarian. As a liaison to select departments in the sciences, the Science Librarian will provide research assistance, instruction, collection development, and outreach to students, faculty, and staff. The successful candidate will join an engaged faculty dedicated to fulfilling the libraries’…