SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Simmons University

Program Manager for the Center for Information Literacy, Simmons University (Boston, MA)

Job Summary: The Program Manager for the Center for Information Literacy (Program Manager) is responsible for leading and coordinating the work of the Simmons University Center for Information Literacy, which was made possible by a grant from the Mellon Foundation. This position oversees the project planning and management of the Center’s programs. They are also…

SLIS Doctoral Program Student Assistant, Simmons University, (Boston, MA)

Closing date: Friday, 11/22/2024Location: Simmons UniversitySalary: $19/hour Position Summary The SLIS Doctoral Studies Program is seeking a personable, organized SLIS Master’s student to work as the doctoral program assistant. The position is ideal for candidates with great interpersonal and administration skills, and a strong sense of responsibility. This flexible online position is for 8 hours a…

Call for Posters, Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network (MAHSLIN)

Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network (MAHSLIN) is holding our Annual Meeting at Simmons University on April 5, 2024. Registration for students will be free of charge. Registration will include: We hope that you can allow your students time for this opportunity and encourage them to submit a poster to share their work. Below is information…

Graduate Assistant, Simmons University, (Boston, MA)

Description The Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) at Simmons University is seeking a part-time graduate assistant to work up to 20 hours per week ($17/hour) during the academic year. This position will report to Karene Alexander Thorne, Operations and Program Manager, CFE and will also provide administrative support toother CFE staff. This position provides support…

Office of Advancement, Corporate and Foundation Relations Internship (Spring 2023),

Description Simmons University’s Office of Advancement is seeking students to support the exciting work of our busy, multi-faceted team. Advancement partners with Alumnae/i Relations and other departments to develop relationships with individual, corporate, and foundation donors who support Simmons’ strategic priorities, programs, and students. You will report to the Assistant Vice President of Corporate and Foundation…

MPH Grad Assistant Job Description, Simmons University, (Boston, MA)

Description The Simmons Master of Public Health Program is seeking a part-time Graduate Assistant to support the ongoing growth and operations of this online graduate program focused on advancing health equity.  The student will work approximately 10-12 hours per week during the spring semester and summer, with the possibility of renewal the following academic year. …

SLIS Student Services Center Manager, Simmons University, Boston, MA

Job Summary The SLIS Student Services Center Manager (SSCM) reports to the Director of the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS), a division within the College of Organizational, Computational and Information Sciences (COCIS) and works closely with the Director and SLIS Associate Director in the discharge of duties. The SSCM’s key role is to…

Graduate Assistantship, Simmons University, Boston, MA

Decription: This position is a paid Graduate Assistantship designed to support the Provost’s Fellow for Faculty Scholarship. Like their colleagues at most small liberal arts teaching institutions, faculty and administration at Simmons University must be more intentional in order to maintain and encourage faculty scholarly activities. The Provost’s Fellow, Nanette Veilleux, will be investigating both…

Ifill College Graduate Dean’s Fellow: Student Media & Academic Technology Assistant, Simmons University, Boston, MA

Description: The Ifill College Assistant Director, Student Media & Academic Technology, is seeking a graduate student worker for an opportunity in student-driven media and technology. The position supports the Assistant Director in maintaining the CommLabs which include, two Mac computer classrooms, a design classroom, a Student workroom (CommLab), two video editing suites, and two podcasting…

Office of Advancement student co-op opportunity, Simmons University, Boston, MA

Description: Simmons University’s Office of Advancement is seeking a student to support the exciting workof our busy, multi-faceted team. Advancement partners with Alumni Relations and otherdepartments to develop relationships with individual, corporate, and foundation donors whosupport Simmons’ strategic priorities, programs, and students. You will report to the AssistantVice President of Corporate and Foundation Relations but will…