SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

public library

Library Director, Town of Lyme, Lyme, CT

Description: The Town of Lyme, a picturesque shoreline community of 2,300 residents that is known for its well-run town government, highly rated school system, and strong spirit of volunteerism, is seeking a dynamic director for its public library who is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about library service in the twenty-first century. The library’s mission statement is…

Library Director, Town of Natick, Natick, MA

Description: Natick, MA (36,000 pop.), is seeking a proactive and visionary leader toserve as the next Director of the Morse Institute Library. The Directoroversees and monitors all library operations, including budgeting,personnel management, and facilities management. The Director should bean ambassador for the library, highlighting its successes andcommunicating its needs. The Morse is a busy service-oriented…

Teen & Emerging Technology Librarian (entry level librarian), Kingston Public Library, Kingston, MA

Description: Definition: Professional, supervisory, administrative and direct service work in providing a comprehensive program of public library services with a focus on technology to teens in grades 6 through 12 and their families through collection development, programming, reference and readers advisory services,  and public relations for the Kingston Public Library; performs professional library functions of…

Youth Services Librarian, Pease Public Library, Plymouth, NH

Description: The Pease Public Library in Plymouth, NH is seeking a Youth Services Librarian withexcellent communication skills. Applicants must be able to demonstrate flexibility, goodjudgment and good humor under varying circumstances. The ability to multi-task andprovide quality customer service is essential. Must be a community-oriented, hands-on teamplayer. Must be prepared to attend staff meetings, remain…

Access Services Director/Systems Librarian, Portland Public Library (PPL), Portland, ME

Description: Reporting to the Associate Director, the Access Services Director/Systems Librarian leads the operationsand systems that acquire and make accessible the Library’s collections in all formats, in person andonline. As Area Director for the Access Services Department, the Librarian supervises the TechnicalServices Manager, Interlibrary Loan Supervisor, and the Lending/PC Supervisor and their sections,develops protocols and…

Technology Librarian, Belmont Public Library, Belmont, MA

Description: Are you excited about the possibilities that libraries can do with technology? We certainly are! The Belmont Public Library is seeking a Technology Librarian who fits with our vision of what technology in public libraries can be. In the past year, we’ve expanded online streaming services, rocked virtual programming, and figured out how to…

Part Time Technology and Information Services Assistant, The Edith Wheeler Memorial Library, Monroe, CT

Description: The Edith Wheeler Memorial Library is seeking a creative, forward thinking, lifelong learner to bring new energy to our busy cultural space for all ages.  The person in this position will be responsible for developing and running programs in our well-equipped makerspace and for helping out on our reference desk.     You are the…

Head of Circulation, Hampstead Public Library, Hampstead, NH

Description: This position is part-time; between 20 and 25 hours per week.  Monday – 9:00am-5:00pm; Wednesday –  9:00an-5:00pm and Friday – 9:00am-4:00pm; two Saturdays a month – 9:00am-1:00pm.  Once COVID restrictions are lifted and the Library is back to normal hours, the schedule will change and include one evening a week and 2 Saturdays a month. Job Summary:  Responsible…

Library Director, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, Berlin, CT

Description: The Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, Berlin, CT is seeking an innovative and energetic Director who will propel the Library forward in a world that continues to change. In addition to being responsible for all phases of library operations including budget development, management, supervision of staff (25), the director is expected to have demonstrably strong general…

Library Director, Tunbridge Public Library, Tunbridge, VT (closed)

This listing is now closed. Description: The Tunbridge Public Library is seeking a part time Library Director for our small, vibrant, rural community library. Responsibilities include collection management, budget oversight, information technology and facility management, community outreach, planning & implementingprogramming, and supervision of staff / volunteers. This is a part-time position, with flexibility for 20-30…