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REFORMA National Conference (RNC VII) Scholarship, REFORMA, Virtual

Description: Established in 1971 as an affiliate of the American Library Association (ALA), REFORMA has actively sought to promote the development of library collections to include Spanish-language and Latino oriented materials; the recruitment of more bilingual and bicultural library professionals and support staff; the development of library services and programs that meet the needs of…

Volunteers Needed at ACRL NEC Conference

Description: Volunteer to co-host sessions at the Association of College and Research Libraries, New England Chapter (ACRL NEC)’s Annual Conference from May 24th-May 28th. The conference is online and free this year. The co-host’s role is to manage behind-the-scenes tasks: helping people with technical issues, monitoring the chat conversation, and, if needed, removing people from…

NELIG Fall Program 2020 Take 2!

Description: Thank you for your patience over the past month. Many of you have reached out wondering about the NELIG Fall Program. We are pushing the Fall Program back by two weeks because *gestures wildly* everything.  Many of us have said “If I’m ever trapped in <insert name of catastrophe here>, I want dental floss,…

NAHSL IN ACTION! Conference, Registration Due Soon, Virtual Conference

Description: Register today! The registration deadline is Friday, 10/23/2020. Visit our registration web page. North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries, Inc. invites you to attend our first virtual annual conference – a celebration of 62 years of membership, resiliency, and engagement. Join us for two days of online programming, inspiration, and camaraderie this October! This year’s…

Call for Proposals, New England Library Instruction Group (NELIG)

Description: The New England Library Instruction Group (NELIG), an interest group of ACRL New England, requests proposals for its Fall Program. This year’s program will offer support and space for discussion and learning on topics relating to online learning, remote and on-ground instruction during a pandemic, and building sustainable online learning objects for remote instruction….

Call for Speakers and Panelists, Digital Commonwealth’s 15th Annual Conference, Virtual

Description: The Digital Commonwealth’s 15th Annual Conference will be held online via Zoom on Tuesday April 13th, 2021 from 9:00am to 4:00pm (EDST). Digital Commonwealth’s Conference Committee invites interested speakers to submit abstracts of 1 page or less in length for presentations centered around the theme: The Politics of Collections. Topics of interest include but are not…

Scholarship to Attend Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference

Description: ACRL is pleased to offer scholarships to attend the ACRL 2021 Conference to be held April 14-17, 2021, in Seattle. Scholarship applications are due on Friday, October 9. The ACRL Conference Scholarship program provides opportunities for the academic and research library community to expand their professional horizons, update their skills and knowledge, and learn more about current…

North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries, Inc. (NAHSL), Virtual Conference

Description: North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries, Inc. (NAHSL) invites you to attend our annual conference, NAHSL in Action, a celebration of 62 years of community and resiliency. This year’s conference will be held online. Join us for two days of virtual programming, inspiration, and camaraderie October 26-27, 2020. Registration begins shortly.  Thanks to NAHSL Professional Development…

OLAC Conference, Remote

Description: OLAC is excited to announce that the 2020 conference will take place online from October 13-16, 2020 (Tuesday-Friday), hosted via WebEx with generous support from OCLC. Information on the conference can be hound here. Join us as we celebrate OLAC’s 40th Anniversary and equip you to better catalog those “funny” formats sitting on your desk. Attendees will…