SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Instructor for Introduction to Web Design, Brookline Adult & Community Education, Brookline MA

Brookline Adult & Community Education is seeking an experienced instructor for Introduction to Web Design. Instructor rate is hourly and instructors must design their own syllabus. The Spring course will meet at Brooklike High School, for 8 weeks on consecutive weekdays starting March 24th. Day of the week and time are still flexible. Course Description:…

Instructor for Website Planning and Design with Dreamweaver CS6, Brookline Adult & Community Education, Brookline MA

Brookline Adult & Community Education is seeking an experienced instructor for Website Planning and Design with Dreamweaver CS6. Instructor rate is hourly and instructors must design their own syllabus. The Spring course will meet at Brookline High School, for 8 weeks on consecutive weekdays starting March 24th. Day of the week and time are still…

Instructor for Technical Introduction to Blogging, Brookline Adult & Community Education, Brookline MA

Brookline Adult & Community Education is seeking an experienced instructor for Technical Introduction to Blogging. Instructor rate is hourly and instructors must design their own syllabus. The Winter course will meet at Brookline High School, 4 Mondays, 7:30-9:30, beginning February 3rd. Course Description: Tumblr. WordPress. Blogger. There are a number of free blogging platforms on…

Head of Research and Education, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond VA

The Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries invites applications and nominations for the position of Head of Research and Education. The successful candidate for this position will lead a team of 6.5 liaison faculty librarians, 1 consumer health faculty librarian and 3 classified staff in a program of educational engagement and outreach across all academic units and…

Reference Librarian, Fairfield Woods Branch Library, Fairfield CT

Have you always wanted to be part of a library neighborhood community? Are you a positive, upbeat librarian with a strong work ethic?  Are you willing to explore and try new things? If you’ve answered “yes” then Fairfield Woods Branch Library could become your dream place to work.   As part of our branch library…

Part-time Archives & Special Collections Reference Assistant, Brandeis University, Waltham MA Library & Technology Services (LTS) at Brandeis University is looking for a part-time (20 hours per week) Reference Assistant in the Robert D. Farber University Archives and Special Collections Department. This person will assist with reference (in-person, phone, and email) and monitor secure reading room. Examples of Key Responsibilities:     Monitor reading room, including…

Library Director, Northfield Mount Hermon, Mt. Hermon MA

NMH seeks a dynamic individual to serve as Library Director to lead and oversee all aspects of the school’s library. Reporting to the Dean of Faculty, the Director works closely with NMH program leaders and the Director of Academic Technology to ensure the library’s academic and technical resources adequately support and advance the school’s educationalprogram. The Library Director…

Director, John Joseph Moakley Law Library and Information Resources, Suffolk University, Boston MA

Suffolk University Law School, a large, student-centered, private law school located in downtown Boston, Massachusetts, seeks applications for the position of Director of the John Joseph Moakley Law Library and Information Resources. The Law School invites applications for a full-time Director position in the law library, beginning as soon as the position can be filled.  …

Scholarships, Colonial Williamsburg Antiques Forum

The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation is pleased to once again offer scholarships to attend the 66th annual Antiques Forum held February 14-18, 2014. While scholarships typically cover registration costs, we are especially excited to again offer housing as a part of this year’s award.   The program, “New Findings in the Arts of the Coastal South” will gather acclaimed curators,…

Archives Intern, Old Colony Historical Society, Taunton MA

Reporting to the Archivist and Library manager, the Archives Intern will assist in conducting an inventory of archive holdings as part of renewed effort to update record keeping at the Old Colony Historical Society. This internship will involve original cataloging, catalogue updates, assigning and/or updating correct locations to materials, and creating digital records using PastPerfect software….