SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions


Digital Collections Metadata Intern, Philips Library (Peabody Essex Museum), Rowley, MA

Join the Phillips Library, PEM’s research library, as a digital projects intern for Summer 2023! Our digitization program exponentially increases free, worldwide access to our collections and demonstrates that the library is a vital and engaged part of the museum and its communities. This project will include research into provenance and copyright status of our…

Gates Archive Internship, Gates Archive, (Seattle, WA)

Summary: Gates Archive is the private archive of the personal and philanthropic collections of our principals. Committed to creating a culture of learning and belonging, we are a team working to build an archive with a focus towards digital-forward processes. Gates Archive is seeking two interns to gain experience working with archival materials. This opportunity…

Information Research Specialist Intern(Summer 2023)(Hybrid) (Open), Raytheon Technologies, (Windsor Locks, CT)

Position Role Type:Hybrid Looking for an exciting opportunity to learn more about the Aerospace industry while finishing your degree? Consider joining us here at Collins Aerospace, where we’re working side-by-side with customers on exciting industry possibilities. With a comprehensive portfolio, extensive capabilities and broad expertise, we’re crafting intelligent solutions to meet the demands of a…

Archives and Public History Internship, Castine Historical Society, Castine, ME

Internship Description The Castine Historical Society offers a graduate level internship for students enrolled in master’s degree or Ph.D. programs in museum studies, history, public history, or archival studies. The internship contract is for eight weeks at 35 hours/week, and is compensated with a $3,000 stipend. The start date is flexible between June 20 and…

Friends of the Archives Paid Internship, State Archives of North Carolina

About the Internship The Friends of the Archive (FOA) Internship is a paid experience, up to 300 hours at $15/hr., designed to expose, engage, and educate aspiring professionals by giving them tangible, real-world experience within North Carolina’s Division of Archives & Records. The intern will work at the State Archives on a specific project throughout…

GBH Photo Archivist Internship – Summer 2023

JOB OVERVIEW GBH’s ability to create and publish efficiently and effectively requires smart management of photo assets from the start, in a centralized yet tailored photo management system. Currently, every department at GBH has their own bespoke process for taking, licensing, tracking and storing photos. They exist in “archives” across a multitude of devices and…

2023 Data Internship, National Center for Data Services

The NNLM National Center for Data Services is excited to announce that applications are open for the 2023 Data Internship for library and information science students of color! This program provides hands-on experience in the skills needed for data librarianship in a health sciences context. These paid internships offer opportunities to gain practical experience while…

Reference Internship, John F. Kennedy Presedential Library and Museum, Boston, MA

Description: The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum is currently seeking applicants for one part-timeinternship positions in the Library’s research room. Interns in the Research Room at the John F. KennedyPresidential Library assist professional reference staff in responding to research requests for textual(paper-based) archival collections. The intern’s primary responsibility will be answering referencerequests from…

Archives Intern, The Mellon Foundation

Description: The Mellon Foundation (“Foundation”) believes that the arts and humanities are where we express our complex humanity, and we believe that everyone deserves the beauty, transcendence, and freedom to be found there. Through our grants, we seek to build just communities enriched by meaning and empowered by critical thinking, where ideas and imagination can…

David Stick Internship, Outer Banks History Center, Manteo, NC

Description: This is a 10-week, full time, graduate internship performing archival work for the OBHC. Start and end dates are flexible and will be determined in consultation with the intern (est. June 10-August 19). The intern will be paid a $4,000 stipend, and housing for the duration of the internship will be provided freeof charge….