SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Academic Positions

Archives and Special Collections Librarian, Boston University (School of Theology), Boston, MA

Description: The position serves as the archivist for the Theology Library’s archival and special collections. The position provides leadership to the library staff for environmental controls and adequate preservation of library resources, especially for items located in the library’s locked and climate-controlled collection space. The position serves as the Archivist for the New England Conference…

Scholarly Communication Librarian, Sacramento State, Sacramento, CA

Description: As the center of campus intellectual discovery, the Sacramento State University Library promotes teaching, learning, research, and scholarly communication at the University by integrating the library with student success programs and instruction. One of twenty-three libraries in the California State University System, the Sacramento State University Library holds over 1.4 million volumes, comprised of print and electronic monographs…

Business Librarian, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University Libraries, Central MN

Description: The College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University Libraries invites applications for the full-time, benefit eligible position of Business Librarian. The Business Librarian works directly with students, faculty, and staff to support departmental and institutional teaching and learning goals and to enhance student success. As a member of our highly collaborative Learning and Research…

Tenure Track Assistant Professor (2), Queens College (CUNY), New York, NY

Description: The Graduate School of Library & Information Studies (GSLIS) at Queens College, City University of New York, has two positions for Tenure-track Assistant Professor. The GSLIS is the only publicly supported American Library Association accredited school of library and information studies in the metropolitan New York City area. Queens is nicknamed “The World’s Borough”…

Director of Library Operations, University of New Haven, West Haven, CT

Description: The University of New Haven, founded on the Yale campus in 1920, is a private, coeducational universitythat has been recognized by The Princeton Review and U.S. News & World Report for academicexcellence. Located between New York City and Boston in the shoreline city of West Haven, theUniversity is a diverse and vibrant community of…

Diversity Resident, Davis Library (University of California), Davis, CA

Description: The Library at the University of California, Davis, seeks a dynamic, user-oriented, early-career librarian or recent MLS graduate to participate in a two-year Diversity Resident Program.   Reporting to the Head of Content Support Services, the resident will work in a supportive environment to gain the requisite knowledge, skills, and competencies to thrive in an…

Assistant or Associate Professor, University at Albany, Albany, NY

Description: The Department of Information Sciences and Technology in the College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity (CEHC) invites applications for the position of Assistant or Associate Professor in our Information Science School Library (ISSL) program to start in fall 2023. We are looking for a candidate who is passionate about teaching graduate students…

Evening Circulation and Reserve Supervisor, Dartmouth College Libraries, Hanover, NH

Description: This position supervises all aspects of the circulation and reserve service areas of the Baker-Berry Library and works collaboratively with Research and Learning departments and other Dartmouth Libraries to support patron information needs. This role is expected to support staff through training, ensuring high quality service is provided to library users whether in person,…

SLIS Student Services Center Manager, Simmons University, Boston, MA

Job Summary The SLIS Student Services Center Manager (SSCM) reports to the Director of the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS), a division within the College of Organizational, Computational and Information Sciences (COCIS) and works closely with the Director and SLIS Associate Director in the discharge of duties. The SSCM’s key role is to…

Library Web Services Developer/Library Web Services Developer and Head of Digital Initiatives, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME

Description: The Bowdoin College Library seeks an individual who is an experienced web designer and developer to support and advance the library’s website and its many web-based services. Reporting to the Associate Librarian for Digital Initiatives and Special Collections, the Library Web Services Developer is responsible for the design, development, organization, evaluation, and maintenance of…