SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Cataloging/Metadata Internship, Indiana University South Bend Libraries, (South Bend, IN)

Overview: IU South Bend Libraries provides a paid graduate internship for students currently
enrolled in an ALA-accredited MLS/MLIS/MSI graduate program or for recent graduates of an
ALA-accredited program. This internship offers a valuable learning opportunity to gain
academic library experience.


Work 18 hours/week for 15-16 weeks per semester

Pay: $16.00/hour

Responsibilities of Interns/Assessment

  • Produce quality work according to stated standards.
  • Communicate effectively, reporting problems, questions, and work updates.
  • Respond to emails in a timely manner.
  • Be open to asking for help and feedback when needed.
  • Complete a weekly journal reflecting on work learned and performed, noting what was
    learned, problems faced, and how those problems were resolved.
  • Complete a journal documenting work and reflection during the internship, noting what
    was learned, problems faced, and how those problems were resolved.
  • Provide a 15-minute presentation to library staff on highlights of the internship, which
    may include feedback.
  • Attend All-Staff library meetings.
  • Complete a project.

Learning Goals:

  • Develop skills in copy and original cataloging and creating metadata.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of standards (e.g., RDA, MARC 21, LCSH, LCCS, Dublin Core
    Metadata Elements).
  • Follow projects from inception through completion with professionalism and attention to
  • Develop teamwork skills.
  • Practice adaptability, flexibility, patience, and determination in achieving goals.
  • Demonstrate suitable communication skills for the workplace.
  • Develop an understanding of academic library work and practices.

Responsibilities of Supervisor:

  • Assign, monitor, and evaluate tasks and projects.
  • Provide guidance, regular feedback, and mentorship to the intern.
  • Complete an end-of-semester evaluation with a recommendation for credit if applicable.

How to Apply

NAME ____________________________ Date _______
Email address:
Phone number:
My strengths as an intern include:

The areas that I would like to develop include:

I would be particularly interested in pursuing the following core project:

Please list experience and coursework completed toward degree in library science.

Please contact Scott Opasik with questions and to submit application. [email protected]