Lead Records and Information Management Specialist, Department of Defense, Bethesda, MD
Posted August 8, 2020
- You will lead, plan, and manage the University’s Record Management Program.
- You will institute measures to ensure that records of continuing value are preserved and records no longer needed for current use (i.e., inactive records) receive appropriate disposition.
- You will recommend changes and additions to Records Management Section policies, processes, procedures and work flow.
- You will provide subject mater expertise on records and information management in a variety of capacities.
- You will oversee the implementation of Privacy Act as it pertains to agency records.
- You will plan, coordinate and conduct physical and virtual records inventories in both unclassified and sensitive settings.
- You will conduct records management projects, studies, and evaluations, in order to recommend ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in records management.
- You will perform analyses of, and provides recommendations related to records management technical and administrative matters.
- You will apply qualitative and quantitative methods to improve effectiveness and manage workload.
- You will develop and implement written procedures for the life cycle management of manual and automated record keeping systems.
How to Apply:
The orginal job posting with full description can be found here. Apply using the job portal found there.