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Youth Services

Youth Services Librarian, South Holiday Library, South Holiday, FL

Description: Professional library work responsible for providing reference, reader’s advisory, programming, and outreach services for youth and young adults in the County library system. Essential Job Functions: Receives requests for information.   Assists citizens with in-person, telephone, and online inquiries.   Resolves questions and problems.   Provides reference and readers advisory services to children, teens, and adults.  Provides…

Library Assistant, Melrose Public Library, Melrose, MA

Description: The Melrose Public Library is a fast paced, service driven environment with an emphasis on welcoming, friendly service to the public. We enjoy a full service and very active children’s department, including a wide variety of programming for multiple age groups. Children’s Room staff are enthusiastic about direct planning of and participation in programming!…

Head of Youth Services, Conant Free Public Library, Sterling, MA

Description: The Town of Sterling seeks qualified candidates to fill the 32 hours per week position of Conant Public Library Head of Youth Services. The position includes participating in the Saturday rotation and some evening programs. Primary responsibilities: Heads the children’s and middle school and young adult service unit, developing and carrying out programs for…