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IDC Vice Chair/Chair-Elect (November 2021-November 2023), New England Archivists, Volunteer Position

The New England Archivists (NEA) is dedicated to cultivating membership, participation, and leadership that reflect the broad diversity of our region and our profession. Inclusion and diversity are core organizational values at the heart of the NEA’s mission. The Inclusion and Diversity Committee (IDC) offers many ways for volunteers to get involved, including coordinating our newsletter…

Volunteers Needed at ACRL NEC Conference

Description: Volunteer to co-host sessions at the Association of College and Research Libraries, New England Chapter (ACRL NEC)’s Annual Conference from May 24th-May 28th. The conference is online and free this year. The co-host’s role is to manage behind-the-scenes tasks: helping people with technical issues, monitoring the chat conversation, and, if needed, removing people from…

Volunteer Job, Swing Left Greater Boston (SLGB), Boston, MA

Description: Swing Left Greater Boston (SLGB) is looking for someone to develop a file system for electoral activism using free tools. As the largest grassroots organization of its kind in New England, Swing Left Greater Boston (SLGB) must develop an inclusive but secure file system. In 2020, SLGB volunteers took 4.7 million actions to swing the elections in 7…