SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

temporary position

Law Library Assistant, Hampshire and Franklin Law Libraries (Mass. Trial Court Law Libraries), Boston, MA

Description: Under the direction and supervision of the Head Law Librarian, the Contract Employee will assist with the day-to-day operations of the Hampshire and Franklin Law Libraries, including cataloging, book processing, loose-leaf filing, bill processing, research, and reference. This part-time position is dependent on funding and is funded for the current fiscal year ending June…

Librarian-Teacher ( Half Year Position), Wachusett Regional High School, Holden, MA

Description: Teacher-Librarian Regular Duties: Be well-read, knowledgeable, and up-to-date on current and popular fiction and nonfiction for readers’ advisory/book recommendations. Organize and lead regular book talks (Could lead 20+ book talk sessions for ELA classes in one quarter) Manage the library collection (book circulation, overdue notices, book processing, etc.) using Follett Destiny Request, reserve, and…