SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions


Technology Instruction and Marketing Librarian, Weymouth Public Libraries, Weymouth, MA

Description: Weymouth Public Libraries is in need of a professional and self-starting librarian interested in being a key member of a progressive, dynamic library system. We seek an outgoing, innovative, collaborative, and service-oriented librarian to provide technology instruction and reference services. Our culture of “Yes!” has resulted in a large growth in programs and services…

Head of Reference and Adult Services, Weymouth Public Libraries, Weymouth, MA

Description: Weymouth Public Libraries is in need of a proven professional and self-starting library leader interested in being a key member of a progressive, dynamic library system. We seek an innovative, collaborative, flexible, and service-oriented department head to provide professional reference and adult services. We seek an individual who is as equally dedicated to the…

Head of Music Library, Columbus State University, Columbus, GA

Description: The Schwob Memorial Library at Columbus State University seeks applicants for an Assistant Professor in Library Science; Head, Music Library. This position will be responsible for the administration of the Music Library, general public service activities, and being the liaison between CSU Libraries and the Schwob School of Music. Responsibilities: Responsibilities include but are…

Adjunct Access Services and Instruction Librarian, Northfield Mount Hermon, Mt. Hermon, MA

Description: Northfield Mount Hermon, an independent co-educational boarding school in western Massachusetts, seeks a temporary (to cover a leave) part-time Adjunct Access Services and Instruction Librarian for the 2022-2023 school year for 20 – 25 hours/week. This position will begin at the end of September and conclude in mid February. The Schauffler Library is at…

Technical Services Assistant, Harvard Library, (Cambridge, MA)

Description Information and Technical Services actively supports the teaching and research mission of the Harvard Library by managing monograph, serial and e-resource acquisitions, metadata creation, and metadata management for the Harvard Library. As a member of Monograph Acquisitions & Copy Cataloging within the Acquisitions Section, under the supervision of the Associate Head of Acquisitions, the…

Circulation Specialist (Library Specialist), University of Texas, (Austin, Texas)

Purpose:Provide front desk services and support for the library. Responsibilities Staff library service desk, assisting with check out/check in of library materials, shelving library materials and maintaining library shelves. Supervise the library operations in the absence of branch supervisor. Provide customer service and computer assistance to library users, including troubleshooting equipment. Provide reference services to…

Reference & Technology Librarian, The John Curtis Free Library, (Hanover, MA)

Description The John Curtis Free Library is currently accepting applications for the position of Reference and Technology Librarian. Provides reference services, and is responsible for a portion of collection development. Is expected to comprehend and manage the library’s computer and other technology needs, including computers, databases, and associated software. Reports directly to and works under…

Systems and Technology Services Librarian, UVM Libraries (Burlington, Vermont)

DescriptionThe University of Vermont Libraries seek an imaginative, resourceful, inventive, and user-focused librarian to manage, enhance, and maintain a wide variety of commercial and open-source applications in a changing, information-technology environment. The successful candidate will possess strong analytical skills, a public services outlook, and a commitment to building services around UX principles. We seek applicants…

IDEAS-Accsess Point Coordinator, Northeastern University Library, Boston, MA

Description: Under the supervision of the IDEAS Librarian, the Access Point Coordinator hires, schedules, and supervises the student employees who staff and monitor the library’s Access Point. They will develop and maintain documentation for training and workflows, and provide direct service at three service points: the Help & Information Desk, the Access Point and on…

University Archivist, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

Description: K-State Libraries invites applications for a University Archivist faculty position (tenure track) in the Richard L.D. and Majorie J. Morse Department of Special Collections at the rank of assistant, associate, or full professor. The University Archivist serves as a senior advisor to Libraries and university administration, departments, and offices in the development of K-State’s university…