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Call for Speakers – Digital Commonwealth Conference 2024, Virtual

About the Conference The Digital Commonwealth’s 18th Annual Conference will be held online via Zoom on Tuesday April 30, 2024 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM US East Coast Time. Digital Commonwealth’s Conference Committee invites interested speakers to submit abstracts of 1 page or less in length for presentations centered around the theme: Building Connections: People…

ACRL NEC / NELIG’s Spring 2023 conference

Registration for the ACRL NEC / NELIG’s Spring 2023 conference is now open. This year, we are offering you an opportunity to be in person at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA, on June 5, 2023, and virtually with NELIG on June 6, 2023.   Attend Both ACRL NEC (in person) and NELIG…

Mashlin 2023

Conference Description This Year’s MAHSLIN focuses on Re-Connecting & Self Care. JOIN US on April 26th at Mass Medical Society Meet One of MAHSLIN’s Speakers, Shalu Gillum, who’ll share with us how to reconnect with our patrons, while taking care of ourselves. Shalu Gillum, JD, MLS, D-AHIP University of Central Florida College of Medicine, will  share…

17th Annual Digital Commonwealth Conference
April 11, 2023, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM ET

Facing the Digital Future: Addressing Systemic Issues in Cultural Heritage Please join us for an amazing line-up of distinguished speakers at this year’s conference, including keynote speaker Jamillah R. Gabriel, Critical Pedagogy Research Librarian at Harvard University. #DCCon23 The Digital Commonwealth’s 17th Annual Conference will be held online via Zoom on Tuesday April 11, 2023 from 9:00 AM…

ACRL NEC & NELIG Joint 2023 Annual Conference, Worcester, MA

Summary The ACRL New England Chapter & New England Library Instruction Group will again host a Joint Annual Conference on June 5 & 6, 2023.  To build community while offering flexibility, one day will be fully in person, while the second day will be fully virtual. Theme This year’s ACRL NEC Annual conference theme is: Welcome…

Call for Speakers and Panelists, Digital Commonwealth’s 17th Annual Conference, Online.

Description: The Digital Commonwealth’s 17th Annual Conference will be held online via Zoom on TuesdayApril 11, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM US East Coast Time. Digital Commonwealth’sConference Committee invites interested speakers to submit abstracts of 1 page or less inlength for presentations centered around the theme “Facing the Digital Future: AddressingSystemic Issues in…

Entrepreneurship & Libraries Conference International 2022

Registration is now open for the upcoming Entrepreneurship and Libraries (EntreLib) Conference International 2022! EntreLib explores how libraries and librarians support entrepreneurship in their communities and campuses. EntreLib continues to be a gathering place for academic, public, and special librarians, as well as entrepreneurial ecosystem partners, via our free online events. The event will be free and hosted…

Digital Commonwealth 2022 Annual Conference – discount for students!

Description: The Digital Commonwealth Conference Committee and Board of Directors invite you toregister for our 16th Annual Conference:  Users and Uses: Centering Communities in Digital Collections   When: June 14, 2022, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM ET  Where: Zoom   Please join us for an amazing line-up of distinguished speakers at this year’s conference, withdiscussions and presentations focused…

14th Annual New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians

Join us for the 14th Annual New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians, to be held virtually on June 8, 2022. Our virtual host this year is Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). Science Boot Camp is an immersive experience that provides librarians with the opportunity to network with peers and learn about topics in physical sciences,…

Call for submissions: SUNYLA 2022 Conference

Description: Call for posters extended to May 2, 2022!  Please submit poster proposals here:  Call for Poster Session ProposalsLibrary school students are especially encouraged to submit poster proposals.  The poster session will take place on Thursday, June 9, 4:30-6:00 P.M. Conference registration is only $50 for students, and poster presenters get 10% off!  REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!!  SUNYLA 2022:  Soaring into the Future of Libraries–a Hybrid Conference …