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American library association

Call For Applications to Attend an Event at ALA Conference in Philadelphia, PA

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS now until March 31st. Would you like to attend one of this year’s ALA conference events, but don’t have the means to do so? Apply for the Annual Conference Professional Development Attendance award by 11:59 PM on March 31st. The award offers $100 to two people to attend an event of their…

BRASS Student Travel Award, ALA Reference and User Services Association

Description Established in 1992, this $1,250 monetary prize is given to a student enrolled in an ALA accredited master’s degree program to fund travel to and attendance at the ALA Annual Conference and a one-year membership in the Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) of RUSA. This award is sponsored by SimplyAnalytics. Please see here for a detailed…

Scholarship, American Library Association (ALA)

If you need a bit of financial help to get through your graduate program, scholarship funds are now available. The American Library Association (ALA) has more than $300,000 available to students who are studying in library science or school library media programs at the master’s degree level. Get your application in early. The deadline to…

Call for Submissions- 2022-2023 E L Josey Scholarship, Black Caucus of the American Library Association

Description: The 2022-2023 E J Josey Scholarship Award Committee of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association seeks essay submissions. Freedom of information is under attack in our libraries. Please choose a local, state, or national issue affecting libraries and write a 3 – 5-page essay designing an awareness program or outreach activity for…