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Access services

Access Services Director/Systems Librarian, Portland Public Library (PPL), Portland, ME

Description: Reporting to the Associate Director, the Access Services Director/Systems Librarian leads the operationsand systems that acquire and make accessible the Library’s collections in all formats, in person andonline. As Area Director for the Access Services Department, the Librarian supervises the TechnicalServices Manager, Interlibrary Loan Supervisor, and the Lending/PC Supervisor and their sections,develops protocols and…

Access Services Manager, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Description: The University of Florida’s, George A. Smathers Libraries seek an Access Services Manager who will manage most aspects of Access Services at the Architecture & Fine Arts Library (service desk schedule, circulation, course reserves, fines/billings) and contribute to overall development of access services policies and procedures library-wide.  The position manages course reserves and provides…