SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

academic library

Digital Collections Coordinator, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

Description: As a member of the Library Collections Group and under the direction of the Assistant Director for Discovery Services, the Digital Collections Coordinator contributes to the continued operation of a library-wide digitization program with a focus on activities that create and enhance access to digital surrogates of the Library’s Distinctive Collections.  This position assists…

Associate Librarian for Collections, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME

Description: The Bowdoin College Library seeks a creative, collaborative, and experienced leader for the position of Associate Librarian for Collections. Reporting to the Director of the Library, the Associate Librarian provides overall administration, vision, and strategic direction for the library’s collections and related services and plays a critical role in the mission and work of…

Assistant Library Director, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY

Description: The State University of New York at Oswego is looking to fill the position of Assistant Library Director. We hope you will consider joining our team! The Assistant Library Director works closely with the Library Director to lead SUNY Oswego’s library services and initiatives in a highly collaborative and collegial work environment. If you have…

Open Educational Resources & Scholarly Communications Librarian/Assistant or Associate Professor

Description: The Open Educational Resources (OER) & Scholarly Communications Librarian works collaboratively across Library & Information Services (LIS) to partner with campus units for coordinating the creation, education, and archiving of OER, promotes scholarly communication practices on campus including management of the institutional repository, SPARK. This position reports to the Dean of LIS. The OER…

Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication Specialist, Boston College Law Library, Boston, MA

Description: The Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication Specialist supports the creation, curation, and long-term preservation of digital projects and collections. The incumbent builds digital collections, collects and promotes the Law School’s intellectual output, develops websites and applications for the library and the Law School, and works with the Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication Librarian to…

Library Support Specialist, Phillips Memorial Library, Providence College, Providence, RI

Description: Serve as the initial point of contact for students, faculty, and staff at the single service desk. Assist patrons at service points, computer stations, over the phone, through email, and elsewhere in the library. Provide customer service and access to available services and resources, such as library account creation, book and technology lending, interlibrary…

Project Archivist, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

Description: In preparation for its 150th anniversary in 2025, Wellesley College seeks an entry-level archivist with processing experience for a two-year project to improve access to institutional records and manuscript collections in the Wellesley College Archives. The primary job responsibility of the Project Archivist will be to process collections. This term position within Library and…

Director, Library Collections, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

Description: As a member of the senior leadership team in Library & Technology Services (LTS), the Director of Library Collections is the lead advocate for the library collections and participates in the development of strategic priorities and initiatives for library collections to support the needs of the Wellesley College community. The Director of Library Collections…

Research Services Team Leader, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Description: The Research Services Team Leader (RSTL) is part of a service-driven team that supports the research, instruction, and outreach services to the campus community. This position manages the delivery of research and instructional services for the campus and community including classes and workshops, and virtual reference services. The RSTL supervises seven FTE staff. Administers…

Digital Collections Archivist, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA

Description: Library, Information and Technology Services (LITS) at Mount Holyoke College seeks a diverse pool of applicants for the full-time position of Digital Collections Archivist. Reporting to the Head of Archives and Special Collections, this position offers the opportunity to join a department that is committed to developing user-centered and transformative approaches to archival work….