SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Library Director, Olin College of Engineering, Needham MA

Job summary: Olin is currently recruiting an innovative leader in the role of Library Director. This forward thinking professional will work collaboratively across the community to continue the development of the resources, services and collections that support the teaching and research needs of the College. The library is a dynamic virtual and physical space whose…

Adult Services Reference Librarian, Lucius Beebe Memorial Library, Wakefield MA

Duties/Description:  Under the direction of the Head of Reference and Information Services, the Adult Services Reference Librarian performs an evolving array of tasks that encompass reference service, adult programming, technology, outreach, and communication. Responsibilities include: Provide reference service, including notary public service, and technology troubleshooting,  assistance, and training at a busy public reference desk Assist with collection…

Scientific Data Management Specialist, Brown University, Providence RI

The Brown University Library invites applications for the position of Scientific Data Management Specialist.  As the Library’s primary liaison for scientific data management services, the Scientific Data Management Specialist initiates outreach to science faculty and departmental staff to understand and facilitate data collection, data curation and data reuse as part of the research processes.  Ensuring…

Global Open Knowledgebase (GOKb) Editor, North Carolina State Libraries, Raleigh NC

The NCSU Libraries invites applications and nominations for the position of GOKb Editor. This position provides a unique opportunity to participate in a high-profile collaborative project to develop a freely-available, community-managed data repository of key publication information about electronic resources. In partnership with Kuali OLE member libraries and Jisc, the GOKb editor will be responsible for GOKb’s data quality and…

Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Fellowship, Darien Library, Darien CT

An extraordinary opportunity for an extraordinary new Children’s Librarian. Harold W. McGraw Jr. was an active supporter of Darien Library with a personal commitment to education and a belief in the important role a child’s library experiences play in the beginning of life-long literacy. The McGraw family has funded the formation of a Children’s Librarian…

Teen Librarian Intern, Sunderland Public Library, Sunderland MA

Position Title: Teen Librarian Intern   Job Type: Paid Internship   Wages: $10/hr   Location: Sunderland Public Library, Sunderland, MA   The Position: Help us spend $15,000 in two years through a LSTA Tweens & Teens Grant, picking up library skills and experience while bringing improved services to a rural teen population. With our newly…

Call for Papers, “Memory, Memorials, and Media: Re-Imagining World History.”

The Northeastern History Graduate Student Association (HGSA) invites proposal submissions for its 6th annual graduate student conference to be held March 22-23, 2014 at Northeastern University, Boston MA.   The 2014 conference title is “Memory, Memorials, and Media: Re-Imagining World History.” With this interdisciplinary theme, we hope to explore how memory is made, used, preserved,…

Reference Department Head, Bangor Public Library, Bangor ME

The Bangor Public Library seeks an innovative, collaborative and service-oriented leader for the position of Reference Department Head to continue the library’s history of outstanding reference service while exploring and implementing new approaches to reference service and collection development.  The successful candidate must be an accomplished leader and skilled in managing change. The position reports…

Physical Sciences Librarian, Dartmouth College Library, Hanover NH

The Dartmouth College Library seeks a motivated, forward-looking information professional to join a collaborative team at the Kresge Physical Sciences Library, supporting faculty and students in the physical sciences, mathematics, and computer science.   This person will help develop, sustain and promote effective and user-centered library programs, services and collections in one or more disciplinary areas,…

Development Prospect Research Intern (Unpaid), Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston MA

Joslin Diabetes Center, a teaching and research affiliate of Harvard Medical School, is a one-of-a-kind institution on the front lines of the world epidemic of diabetes – leading the battle to conquer diabetes in all of its forms through cutting-edge research and innovative approaches to clinical care and education.   The role of the Development…