SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Assistant Cataloger – Temporary Assignment, Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem MA

The Peabody Essex Museum’s Phillips Library seeks a full-time assistant cataloger for two years. Under the direction of the Head Catalog Librarian, the Assistant Cataloger is responsible for cataloging new acquisitions, purchases and donations, as well as assisting with the Library’s retrospective conversion data base clean up.  The position will also assist with cataloging issues…

Library Assistant for Children’s Programming, Seabrook Library, Seabrook NH

GENERAL SUMMARY:  This is a part-time non-exempt position, responsible to the Children’s Librarian. The Children’s Librarian assigns work in accordance with needs of the Children’s Department, primarily on Children’s program planning and implementation.   EDUCATION/EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS:  The minimum requirement is an Associate’s degree or higher. Library experience and aptitude for working with children in the…

Opportunity, Boston Marine Society, Boston MA

Work study opportunity for graduate student pursuing a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science, for a minimum of 8 hours a week at $12 an hour. Applicant should be able to gain valuable career-relevant archival experience in a maritime Library and must be able to work independently under the direction of the administrative staff…

Electronic Resources Librarian, American University Library, Washington DC

American University Library invites applications for an Electronic Resources Librarian at the rank of Assistant or Associate Librarian. The successful candidate will be an innovative, user-focused, collaborative Electronic Resources Librarian to provide vision and leadership in managing the Electronic Resources Management (ERM) Unit. Responsibilities: The Electronic Resources Librarian reports to the Director of Technical Services and manages the ERM Unit…

Archives Assistant, Town of Hingham, Hingham MA

Employer:     Town of Hingham, Mass. Position:        Archives Assistant Hours:           16 per week, Mondays, Tuesdays, and/or Wednesdays Duration:      One Calendar Year, With Possibility of Renewal Salary:           $16.25/hr   Description   The archives assistant will report to the Town Archivist and will have multiple responsibilities at the Town Hall and Hingham Public Library.  These duties include (but…

Call for Participation, ASIS&T SIG-USE Symposium

Theme: “Context in Information Behavior Research”Date: November 1, 2014 (Saturday)Time: 1:30 to 6:30 pmLocation: Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA, USA ABOUT THE 2014 SIG-USE SYMPOSIUM:The importance of context in human information behavior research has been well established. Nonetheless, it has been observed that although contextual aspects are included in most research, they tend to serve…

Chinese Collection Consultant, temporary and unclassified, Memorial Hall Library, Andover MA

Definition: Under the direction of the Head of Circulation and Technical Services, manage all aspects of the Chinese Collection, including cataloging, weeding, and ordering new Chinese materials in various formats.   Essential Functions :  Catalog all Chinese materials, including books, DVDs, CDs, and magazines, recognizing if the bibliographic record matches the material in hand. Help staff determine…

Assistant Curator of Rare Books, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC

POSITION:      Assistant Curator of Rare Books (At Will Appointment) AVAILABLE:    September 1, 2014 The University of North Carolina seeks an energetic and collegial individual with a strong academic background to further the curatorial work of the Rare Book Collection (RBC) ( at the Louis Round Wilson Special Collections Library ( Reporting to and working closely…

Circulation Manager, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Brown University, Providence RI

Brown University Library seeks enthusiastic, experienced, andcustomer-focused candidates for the role of Circulation Manager atBrown’s John D.  Rockefeller Jr. Library.  Rockefeller Library is themain library on Brown’s campus for humanities and social sciences and is used by students and faculty across many disciplines.  TheCirculation Manager plans and provides operational management for all activities and services provided at…

Asian American Studies Librarian, Ethnic Studies Library, UC Berkeley, Berkeley CA

Asian American Studies Librarian-Ethnic Studies Library Hiring range: Mid-range Associate Librarian $59,089 – $64,006 per annum, based on qualifications This is a 75% time appointment available starting January 2015 The Ethnic Studies Library of the University of California, Berkeley seeks an energetic, creative and service-oriented librarian to provide curatorial and research support to the UC…