SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions


University Press Diversity Fellowship Program, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA

Employment Opportunity The University Press Diversity Fellowship Program seeks to increase diversity in scholarly publishing by providing year-long fellowships in the acquisitions departments of four university presses — the University of Washington Press, Duke University Press, MIT Press, and the University of Georgia Press — with the support of the Association of University Presses and…

Library Reference Assistant, MCPHS University, Worcester, MA

Library Reference Assistant (part-time) MCPHS University Worcester, MA Campus For nearly 200 years, MCPHS University, formerly known as Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, has been at the forefront of innovation in the healthcare world. We take pride in our history, yet are motivated by a curiosity about the future. That’s why we are…

Call for Nominations: The Alexandre Vattemare Award for Creativity in Libraries

The Alexandre Vattemare Award for Creativity in Libraries Given annually by Library Juice Press, the Alexandre Vattemare Award for Creativity in Librarianship recognizes contributions in the LIS field that are marked by originality, creative energy, and novel combinations of ideas. The primary consideration in selecting the awardee is their creation of new possibilities for libraries…

Project Assistant, Northeastern University Library, Boston, MA

Institution: Northeastern University Library   Title: Project Assistant (part-time), Research and Instruction Department   Hourly salary: $20/hour   Hours, schedule, and length of appointment: 8 hours/week, to be completed between 8 am and 5 pm onsite, Monday – Friday (with some off-site work possible); position is funded through the end of May with the possibility…

Library Assistant, Learning Commons, Simmons College, Boston, MA

This position will work under the coordinated direction of the Learning Commons Librarian and in collaboration with other Learning Commons staff. Responsibilities may include participating in the functional work areas of reference and circulation, collection management, Interlibrary Loan, outreach, and space planning. The Library Assistant will also coordinate the hiring, scheduling, training, and supervision of…

Call for Student Submissions: Braverman Memorial Prize

The Miriam Braverman Memorial Prize is awarded each year by the Progressive Librarians Guild for the best paper about some aspect of the social responsibilities of librarians, libraries, or librarianship. Papers related to archivists, archives, and archival work are also eligible. The award honors Miriam Ruth Gutman Braverman (1920-2002), who was a socialist, writer, activist librarian, and…

Call for Applications: Richard L. Haas Records Management Award

New England Archivists invites applications for the 2018 Richard L. Haas Records Management Award. The Haas Award, of up to $1,000, is given annually to support a project that promotes increased cooperation, understanding, and knowledge between the archival and records management professions. Applicants need not be members of NEA. Practitioners, educators, and students in the…

Call for Applications: SLA New England Student Stipend

SLA New England is pleased to announce a $1,250 stipend available to acurrent MLIS student in the New England area to attend the 2018 SLAConference, held in Baltimore, MD. The Special Libraries Association (SLA) is a nonprofit global organization for innovativeinformation professionals and their strategic partners. SLA serves more than 7,000members in 75 countries in…

Call for Applications: National Digital Stewardship Residency Art

National Digital Stewardship Residency Art (NDSR Art) is now accepting applications for its second and final cohort. Four candidates will be selected to work on projects related digital stewardship of new media and arts information. Each resident will be assigned to one of the four available projects and corresponding host institutions. The 2018-19 hosts are…

Call for Papers: IFLA Conference

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the Subject Analysis and Access Section’s (SAA) Open Session at the 84th IFLA General Conference and Assembly – 2018 IFLA WLIC, 24-30 August 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The session’s theme is “Transforming Libraries via Automatic Indexing: The Impact on Metadata Creation, Discovery, and Staffing Decisions”   We…