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Call for Participation: BOBCATSSS 2019

Call for participationINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Conference themeINFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFORMING LIVES: CONNECTION, INTERACTION, INNOVATION Osijek, Croatia, 22-24 January 2019 Web site: AboutBOBCATSSS is an international annual symposium which addresses hot topics for librarians and other information professionals in the fast changing environment. It is created by and for students, teachers, researchers and professionals in the information field. BOBCATSSS is held…

Call for Contributions: IJIDI

We are pleased to announce a call for contributions to an upcoming special issue of the International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI) ( on the topic of “Health Justice.“ Extended abstracts of up to 1,000 words for full research papers (or up to 500 words for student work, works in progress, opinion pieces and professional…

Call for Papers: HICSS 52

Please consider submitting a paper to the Critical and Ethical Studies of Digital and Social Media Minitrack at HICSS 52, which will take place January 8-11, 2019 in Maui. Paper submissions are due on June 15.    This minitrack focuses on two themes: a) studies that critically interrogate how and when digital and social media (DSM)…

Administrative Assistant, Public Health Museum, Tewksbury, MA

The Public Health Museum is currently seeking a part-time Administrative assistant position to help oversee the day to day operations of the Museum and to coordinate special events. Responsibilities include monitoring and responding to emails and telephone requests, organizing museum events, preparing documents for board meetings, helping to coordinate volunteer schedules, and overseeing social media…

Bibliographic Researcher & Document Delivery Assistant, Harvard Law School Library, Cambridge, MA

Bibliographic Researcher and Document Delivery Assistant   Harvard Law School Library is looking for a Bibliographic Researcher and Document Delivery Assistant to help the Faculty Research and Information Delivery Assistance (FRIDA) team.  Duties include processing materials, books, and articles for faculty members; walking to libraries across campus to get books; delivering books to faculty offices;…

Administrative Assistant, Armenian Museum of America, Watertown, MA

The Armenian Museum of America is looking for a part-time administrative assistant to provide administrative support across the organization. Responsibilities include: accepting new memberships and compiling new member packets; creating an efficient system for membership renewal reminders and processing; drafting donor acknowledgment letters and updating the donor database; organization and filing of internal office records,…

Call for Papers: Information Discovery & Delivery

Information Discovery and Delivery aims to cover information discovery and access for digital information researchers. This includes educators, knowledge professionals in education and cultural organizations, knowledge managers in media, health care and government, as well as librarians. The journal publishes research and practice which explores the digital information supply chain ie transport, flows, tracking, exchange…

Call for Chapters: The Information Literacy Framework

Call for Chapters The Information Literacy Framework: Case Studies of Successful Implementation Chapter proposals are invited to this volume, to be published by Rowman & Littlefield as part of the ALISE Book Series. The book will be edited by Heidi Julien (University at Buffalo), and Melissa Gross and Don Latham (Florida State University). The book’s…

Call for Papers: Journal of Archival Organizations

The Journal of Archival Organization is an international journal encompassing all aspects of the arrangement, description, and provision of access to all forms of archival materials. Articles on processing techniques and procedures, preparation of finding aids, and cataloging of archival and manuscript collections in accordance with MARC, AACR2, and other rules, standards, and cataloging conventions, management and staffing issues related to archival organizations are only part…

International Congress on Metadata 2018: The Revolution of Data

We invite you to the academic program: The workshops will be held: Registration: