SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions


Digital Archivist, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Harvard University seeks a proactive and collaborative early career library professional for our Resident Digital Archivist position. As a digital-first library, the skills required to manage digital content of all forms go beyond archives and special collections.  The Loeb Library will provide a fellowship experience that would move digital archiving skills into libraries that have special collections and…

Call for Papers: Toward a Decolonial Archival Praxis

Archival Science Call for Papers Special Issue on Towards a Decolonial Archival Praxis      Guest Editors:J.J. Ghaddar, Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, CanadaMichelle Caswell, University of California, Los Angeles, US This special issue aims to bring together scholarship that explores the myriad ways in which archives and the archival profession have been indelibly shaped by western imperial and colonial…

Call for Proposals: Midwest Data Librarian Symposium

Midwest Data Librarian Symposium (MDLS) invites session proposals for its 4th symposium taking place at Iowa State University (Ames, IA) on October 8-9.     MDLS is a low-cost, 2-day, hands-on, unconference style event for Midwesterners who support research data management and research data services (RDS) at their institutions. The greater data community, not limited…

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Libraries and Archives in the Anthropocene

This is a reminder that the submission deadline is approaching for the Journal of Critical Library and Information Science’s special issue on Libraries and Archives in the Anthropocene. The guest editors are interested in a wide variety of submissions on questions of librarians and archivists’ responses to climate change and related concerns. JCLIS welcomes the…

Library Reference Assistant, Tufts University Hirsh Health Sciences Library, Boston, MA

Tufts University Hirsh Health Sciences Library Library Reference Assistant   The Tufts University Hirsh Health Sciences Library ( is seeking a full time permanent reference assistant. The Hirsh Health Sciences Library serves the Tufts University schools of Medicine; Dental Medicine; Nutrition; Public Health and Graduate Biomedical Sciences; and affiliate hospitals. The Hirsh Health Sciences Library…

Call for Papers: ICADL2018

ICADL2018 Call for PapersThe 20th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries  19-22 November 2018University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand( Since its beginnings in Hong Kong in 1998, ICADL has become one of the premiere international conferences for digital library research. ICADL 2018 at the University of Waikato in New Zealand offers a valuable opportunity for researchers,…

Library Assistant, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA

Part-time Library Assistant (Temporary) The Massachusetts Historical Society (MHS) seeks a part-time library assistant (up to 21 hours per week) to greet visitors and provide services to researchers who make use of the Society’s collections in the MHS library. This position is available June 18th through September 1st with the possibility of extension. The MHS…

Library Assistant, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA

The Massachusetts Historical Society (MHS) seeks a part-time library assistant (up to 21 hours per week) to greet visitors and provide services to researchers who make use of the Society’s collections in the MHS library. This position is available June 18th through September 1st with the possibility of extension The MHS is an independent research…

Library Assistant, Watertown Free Public Library, Watertown, MA

The Watertown Free Public Library is looking for a part time Library Assistant. Our busy mid-sized library serves a diverse population with a broad catalog of needs. As a member of access services staff you will be the first point of contact for many of the over 32,000 patrons who use the library every month….

Library Science Fellowship, National Transportation Library, Washington, DC

A Library Science Fellowship is now available at the National Transportation Library (NTL).   The National Transportation Library (NTL) Fellows Program offers a broad-based learning experience with exposure to research and reference, digital library operations, cataloging, data services, knowledge networking and outreach.    The selected candidate will support NTL and its parent agency, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics…