SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions


Substitute Library Clerk, Wayland Free Public Library, Wayland, MA

Position Title: Library Clerk/Substitute – Circulation Desk   Part-Time: Current open shifts at this time: Thurs 1pm-6pm + one Saturday per month; and an availability to pick up substitute shifts.   Grade: Non-union hourly library clerk  Wages: $16.01-20.90 per hour, no benefits   Description of Position:  Part-time position working in the Circulation Department of a busy, medium-sized public…

Call for Papers: SWPACA

Call for Papers: LIBRARIES, ARCHIVES, MUSEUMS AND DIGITAL HUMANITIES   Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA) 40th Annual Conference, February 20-23, 2019   Hyatt Regency Hotel & Conference Center   Albuquerque, New Mexico   Proposal submission deadline: November 1, 2018   Proposals for papers and panels will be accepted beginning August 15 for…

Marsted Curatorial Fellow For Contemporary Art, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT

This position works closely with the Curator of Contemporary Art to primarily assist with the preparations for two collection-based special exhibitions to be presented consecutively in the summer and fall of 2019. Responsibilities may include: researching individual works of art and artists in the collection as well as potential acquisitions; maintaining and updating exhibition files…

Call for Proposals: CIDLIS 2018

This year’s theme–What are We Waiting For?–encourages all who are involved and/or interested in LIS to contemplate the ways in which our institutions and our communities might best prioritize which needs to address, as well as the ways in which we can all become more successful as advocates and activists.   To this end, we extend…

Call for Participation: iConference 2019

iConference 2019 – 14th International Gathering of Information Scholars and Industry Professionals  March 31 – April 3, 2019 Washington, DC, USA  Please join the 14th International Gathering of Information Scholars and Industry Professionals at iConference 2019 by submitting your research. We invite participants to discuss what it means to inform in the 21st century, how to broaden…

Graduate Assistants, Simmons Community Engagement, Boston, MA

Position #1- Simmons Community Engagement                                                   Graduate Assistant – Special Projects Coordinator AY 2018 – 2019   About the Simmons Community Engagement Simmons Community Engagement (SCE) facilitates and promotes community-based learning and develops strategic partnerships to advance learning, promote civic engagement, and enhance community involvement in order to create a more just society.  Contact us…

Library Assistant, Whitinsville Social Library, Northbridge, MA

PART TIME POSITION OPENING TOWN OF NORTHBRIDGE LIBRARY ASSISTANT   The Town of Northbridge seeks candidates to fill part-time Library Assistant position at Whitinsville Social Library for the following shifts (not to exceed 19.5 hours a week): Tuesdays 10-3 Wednesdays 10-3 Thursdays 3-8   Primary responsibilities: promoting Whitinsville Social Library services providing direct customer service…

Call for Proposals: LRRT

LRRT is now accepting proposals for programs for the 2019 ALA Annual Conference.  Research-related presentations of all kinds are encouraged. This CFP is in addition to the competitive 2019 LRRT Research Forum which will be open later this fall.  For information about submitting a program proposal for the 2019 Annual Conference to take place in Washington,…

Law Library Assistant, Boston College Law Library, Newton Centre, MA

Position Description: The Law Library Assistant handles a wide range of library activities in a highly automated and computerized environment.  The responsibilities for this position include: providing assistance to patrons at the Library’s Information Desk, including answering basic reference questions; managing the University’s print management system, Pharos; participating in Law Library marketing and social media;…

Administrative Assistant, New England Museum Association, Arlington, MA

The NEMA staff is seeking a one-day a week (7 hours) administrative assistant to help in our Arlington, MA, office. This position provides support for 4 full-time staff members and reports to the Director of Administration. You will be joining us in time to help with our upcoming 100th anniversary conference in Stamford, CT. We…