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Call for Proposals: 47th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science / L’Association canadienne des sciences de l’information

The movement of information across borders is of particular interest to information studies, both as this movement occurs through our own scholarly work and as a key phenomenon of information in the world. Focusing on information as action, as becoming informed, we draw attention to how data, facts, misinformation, perspective, or stories circulate in society….

Call for Papers: The Second International Symposium on Qualitative Methods

The Institute of Library Research and Information at the National Autonomous University of Mexico invite researchers, teachers, librarians, scholars and practitioners of librarianship, information studies and related areas, graduate students, and those interested in qualitative methods to participate in the  II International Symposium on Qualitative methods in Library and Information Studies   June 10th-June 14th, 2019    Academic…

Librarians-in-Residence, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

In support of developing the next generation of librarians and information professionals, the Library of Congress is promoting the second year of an exciting program–Librarians-in-Residence at the Library of Congress. The program gives early-career librarians the opportunity to gain meaningful work experience in at least one of the following general areas of specialization: Acquisitions and…

Call for Nominations: 2019 Mark A. Greene Emerging Leader Award

Do you know a colleague who is in the early stages of an archives career and who exhibits great leadership skills? Please consider nominating her/him for the Society of American Archivists’ Mark A. Greene Emerging Leader Award. The deadline is February 28, 2019.   Awarded for the first time in 2012 and renamed in 2017,…

Call for Proposals: Information Literacy Network of the GCC Spring Symposium

Call for Papers Information Literacy Network of the Gulf Cooperation Council Education, Impact, and Reflections ILN GCC Spring Symposium, Abu Dhabi, April 24 – 25, 2019 Please consider submitting a proposal for the Information Literacy Network of the GCC’s Spring Symposium. The theme of the symposium is “Education, Impact, and Reflection.” The Conference Planning Committee gladly welcomes…

Call for Proposals: Social Bots Analysis With Mixed Methods

15% of Twitter users are bots. Social bots are not just present during elections, but instead are everywhere, in areas like politics, health, social movements, etc.   If you want a new direction for your research interests, to find an idea for your PhD dissertation or Master’s thesis, learn more about related studies and possible…

Long Term Substitute, Lawrence High School, Lawrence, MA

Job ID: 3039010 Application Deadline: Posted until Filled Posted: January 7, 2019 Starting Date: April 1, 2019 Job Category: Student Services > Librarian/Media Specialist  Position Type: Full-Time Job Description: Maintain high levels of services offered by the school library/media center from April 8th until end of June while the school librarian is on leave.  The Lawrence Public Schools will ensure…

Call for Proposals: iConference – Young People, Information, and Technology

Establishing an Inspiring, Inclusive, and Interdisciplinary Research Community Around Young People, Information, and Technology Do you work in the area of young people, information, and technology? For our iConference workshop, we want to bring together researchers focused on the intersection of these three areas. Our goal is to build a research community that supports and…

Call for Proposals and Scholarship Applications: IDEAL ’19

Do you believe that diversity and inclusion are essential to personal and organizational excellence in the library and archives professions?  Are you doing groundbreaking research on diversity and inclusion-related topics and want to share it with your colleagues on an international platform? Mark your calendar for IDEAL ’19 to be held August 6-7, 2019, on…

Call for Nominations: Margaret E. Monroe Adult Services Award

Do you know someone who has done amazing work in library services to adults? Would you like that person to be recognized by the profession and win money? If so, please consider nominating that person for the Margaret E. Monroe Library Adult Services Award, awarded by the Reference & User Services Association and sponsored by NoveList.  …