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Call for Abstracts: ALISE Annual 2019 – School Library Special Interest Group (SIG)

The ALISE School Library Special Interest Group (SIG) seeks proposals for research presentations at the 2019 ALISE conference being held in Knoxville, TN September 24-26, 2019. Submitted papers should support the 2019 conference theme, Exploring Learning in a Global Information Context.   The authors of selected papers will be part of a 3-4 member panel of…

Call for Submissions: Third ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP)

ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work  PACM HCI affiliated conference  January 6-8, 2020, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA   For over 25 years, the ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP) has been a premier venue for research on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Socio-Technical Studies….

Call for Submissions: North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) Grants, Awards and Scholarships

The deadline to apply for NASIG’s grants, awards and scholarships has been extended to February 13th. Please consider applying and encouraging others to do so.   NASIG is pleased to announce the beginning of the application cycle for its 2019 grants, awards, and scholarships to be awarded at the 34rd Annual Conference being held in Pittsburgh, PA. June 5-8, 2018….

Call for Nominations: ALISE Award for Professional Contribution to Library and Information Science Education

Please consider nominating your colleagues for the prestigious ALISE Award for Professional Contribution to Library and Information Science Education.    It is awarded to an ALISE member for regular and sustained service that promotes and strengthens the broad areas of library and information science education through the holding of appropriate offices and positions within the profession….

Call for Nominations: 2019 ALISE/Pratt-Severn Faculty Innovation Award

Nominations are now open for the 2019 ALISE/ Pratt-Severn Faculty Innovation AwardApplications due May 22, 2019.  Established in 1996, the $1,000 cash award (sponsored by Pratt Institute, School of Information, on behalf of the late David Severn, a 1968 Pratt alumnus) is designed to identify innovation by full-time faculty members, or a group of full-time…

Call for Nominations: Award for Ongoing Doctoral Dissertation Research in the Philosophy of Information

Nature of the Award The award shall consist of $1,000, given annually to a graduate student who is working on a dissertation on the philosophy of information (broadly construed). As we see it, the range of philosophical questions relating to information is broad, and approachable through a variety of philosophical traditions (philosophy of mind, logic,…

Call for Papers: ALISE/Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition

The ALISE/Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition is accepting submissions! Research papers concerning any aspect of library and information science are eligible. This competition is not limited to research regarding LIS education. Any research methodology is acceptable. Up to two winning papers may be selected. The winner(s) of the award will be honored at the…

Call for Proposals: ALISE Annual 2019 – Archives / Preservation Education Special Interest Group (SIG)

The ALISE Archival / Preservation Education Special Interest Group (SIG) seeks proposals for contributions to a session to be presented at the 2019 ALISE Conference (September 24-26, 2019 in Knoxville, TN). The Archival / Preservation Education SIG session will engage with ongoing developments in teaching preservation and archival studies at the master’s, doctoral, or undergraduate levels,…

Call for Submissions: 2019 ALISE Research Grant Competition

2019 ALISE Research Grant Competition ALISE Annual Conference September 24-26, 2019 | Knoxville, Tennessee   Submissions due March 22, 2019 Dear ALISE Members: Please consider submitting a research grant for the ALISE Research Grant Competition. The ALISE Research Grant Program Competition awards one or more grants totaling up to $5,000 to support research broadly related…

Call for Proposals: Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC) 2019

TPRC is an annual cross-disciplinary conference on communications, information, and Internet policy that convenes researchers and policymakers from law, economics, engineering, computer science, public policy and related fields working in academia, industry, government, and nonprofit organizations around the world.  TPRC is seeking submissions for its 47th conference, including papers, posters, panels, a Student Paper Competition,…