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Call for Proposals: Open Information Science

The deadline for submitting proposals for an upcoming edition of Open Information Science focused on Information Studies, Race and Racism is coming up. At this time we are only asking for abstracts not for the entire completed article. The deadline for submission is June 30th, 2019. The full call and submission information can be found…

Call for Papers: 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI

Please consider submitting a paper to the Critical and Ethical Studies of Digital and Social Media Minitrack at HICSS-53, which will take place January 7-10, 2020 in Maui. Paper submissions are due on June 15. The minitrack features research on two themes: how and when digital and social media design choices and user practices support…

Call for Papers: CFP for Library History Seminar XIV, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA

CFP for Library History Seminar XIVLouisiana State University, Baton RougeAugust 11-13, 2020  Librarians Without Borders : Historical Perspectives on Library Outreach This conference seeks to explore the history of library outreach in all of its forms. “”Librarian,” “library,” and “outreach” are defined in the broadest possible terms that still retain meaning. “Librarians” include all of…

Call for Papers: MIS Quarterly Special Issue on “Managing AI”

Submission Deadline: Full papers due November 15, 2019 Artificial intelligence (“AI”) refers to machines performing the cognitive functions typically associated with  humans – including perceiving, reasoning, learning, interacting, etc. AI is not confined to one or a fewapplications, but rather is a pervasive economic, societal, and organizational phenomenon. Examples of AI technologies include robotics and…

Library Aide, Blaisdell Memorial Library, Nottingham, NH

Title: Library Aide (Per Diem) Supervisor: Librarian on Duty Essential Functions and Responsibilities: Circulation Desk: Staffing the circulation desk is your primary duty. This includes all circulation activities, such as checking books in and out, registering new patrons, answering reference questions, answering the phone, examining the physical condition of returned library materials, shelving returned materials,…

Call for Nominations, 2019 Annual Social Informatics Best Paper Awards, SIG SI

The ASIS&T Special Interest Group for Social Informatics (SIG SI) is issuing a call for nominations for the 2019 Annual Social Informatics Best Paper Awards, with nominations due by July 10. Self-nominations are welcome and the nomination process is quite short, as detailed below. Winners are also invited to present their work during SIG SI’s Research Symposium at ASIS&T 2019 in Melbourne. We seek nominations for the…

Call for Chapter Proposals: Advances in Librarianship series

In July 2018, Forbes magazine published a short (and quickly removed) opinion piece written by an ill-informed economist who suggested that libraries should be replaced by Amazon in an effort to help taxpayers save money. People across the globe chimed in to share an important message: We NEED Libraries! Inspired by the fact that the…

Call for Papers: 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI

This is the second call for papers for the minitrack Health Information Behavior and Activity Tracking Technology at the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences January 7-10, 2020, Grand Wailea, Maui, Hawaii, USA.   Various consumer-facing wearable activity trackers provide a range of health-related functionalities, starting with counting steps, tracking sleep, monitoring heart rates and ending…

Call for Papers: 15th Annual SIG SI Research Symposium

On behalf of the ASIS&T SIG SI (the Special Interest Group for Social Informatics), I am happy to announce our call for papers for the 15th Annual SIG SI Research Symposium to be held as a part of the pre-conference fun at this year’s annual ASIS&T meeting! The theme this year is “Practical Social Informatics:…

NLM/AAHSL Leadership Fellows Program

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) and AAHSL are pleased to announce the opening of applicationsfor the 2019-2020 Leadership Fellows Program. The Program is focused on preparing emerging leaders for the position of library director in academic health sciences libraries. The application deadline is June 22, 2019. Both fellows and mentors have reported how valuable…