SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions


Access Services Librarian, William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ

William Paterson University invites applications for a twelve month tenure-track position as Access Services Librarian at the rank of Librarian III.   Under the supervision of the Assistant Director for Access and Information Services, the Access Services Librarian plans, organizes, supervises, and coordinates services and staff for circulation, course reserves, stacks, and related patron services….

Calling for Papers: ASIS&T Information Policy and Ethics

The ASIS&T Information Policy and Ethics (IEP) Special Interest Group is pleased to announce its 2019 student paper competition. This competition is meant to showcase student work in areas that relate to the encouragement, discouragement, regulation, creation, use, storage, access, and dissemination of information, as well as all topics associated with information ethics. The winner…

Call for Submissions: CHIIR 2020

Please mark your calendars: the fifth ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR) (pronounced “cheer”) will take place in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on 14-18 March, 2020. ACM CHIIR 2020 invites submissions focused on user-centered approaches to the design and evaluation of systems for information access, retrieval, and use. Papers may explore…

Part-Time (Afternoon) Upper School Library Assistant, Bancroft School, Worcester, MA

Bancroft School is a community of students, faculty, administrators, and parents working together to create an atmosphere of engaged learning. The Bancroft experience empowers both our students and our employees to develop connections and embrace their unique talents to emerge as leaders, humanitarians, and globally engaged citizens. A PreK – Grade 12 independent day school…

Part-Time Assistant Librarian (2 Positions), Danvers Campus Library, North Shore Community College, Danvers, MA

Part-Time Assistant Librarian (2 Positions) Danvers Campus Library, North Shore Community College– Non-benefited, MCCC unit position These are 20 hour per week positions during the academic semester that include two evenings per week(4-8 pm) and two Saturday mornings per semester (9am-12pm) with the remainder of hours fulfilledwhen the library is open, negotiated upon hire. Requests…

Reference Assistant, Peabody Essex Museum, Rowley, MA

The Phillips Library of the Peabody Essex Museum now located in Rowley, MA, is seeking a part-time temporary addition to their reference staff. This is a great opportunity to learn about day to day operations of a special collections library. The primary tasks of the Reference Assistant will include staffing the reference desk; orientating visitors;…

Call for Proposals: Library Research Seminar VII

Conference registration and housing are open!  Navigate to to register.  Conference attendance is limited so don’t delay. Applications are still being accepted for the poster session.  Consider sharing your work in progress or completed research!  Poster applications can be submitted on the Call for Proposals page on the above site.  The poster session and…

Call for Submissions: Education Libraries

The editors of Education Libraries are soliciting submissions for: Articles Case Studies Book Reviews Education Libraries is an Open Access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal that offers a forum for new and challenging ideas in education, and library and information science. It also explores the effect of new technologies on the library profession and library and information…

Call for Proposals: CHIIR 2020

CHIIR 2020, 14-18 March, 2020 • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada CHIIR 2020 is pleased to invite proposals for satellite workshops to be held in conjunction with the main conference. CHIIR 2020 workshops will provide a platform for presenting novel ideas and emerging areas in Interactive IR, Information Seeking or Interfaces for Information Access in…

Last Call for Chapters: Advances in Librarianship volume on Libraries’ Roles in Increasing Consumer Health Literacy & Reducing Health Disparities

We are pleased to announce a call for chapter proposals for volume 48 of the Advances in Librarianship book series on the topic of “Roles and Responsibilities of Libraries in Increasing Consumer Health Literacy and Reducing Health Disparities.”  We are seeking submissions from a wide array of disciplines and perspectives on the many ways in which libraries are helping (and can help)…