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Call for Papers, Neo-documentation Around the World: Global Developments

In celebration of the 20-year anniversary of Documentation Studies (named Media- and Documentation Studies since 2013) at the University of Tromsø, we are publishing a special 2016 issue of the Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Document Academy (, a peer-reviewed edition. The theme for this call for papers is Neo-documentation Around the World:…

IV Coloquio de Investigacion Bibliotecologica y de la Informacion: El valor social de las bibliotecas y de la informacion

El Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecologicas y de la Informacion de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, le invitan cordialmente al IV COLOQUIO DE INVESTIGACION BIBLIOTECOLOGICA Y DE LA INFORMACIONEl valor social de las bibliotecas y de la informacion28 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 2015 OBJETIVO:Analizar y determinar diversas perspectivas teoricas desde las cuales…

Call for Papers: 2016 ALISE/Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2016 ALISE/Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition. Research papers concerning any aspect of library and information science are eligible. This competition is not limited to research regarding LIS education. Any research methodology is acceptable. Up to two winning papers may be selected. The winner(s) of the award will…

Call for Papers: Celebrity: Teacher Librarians as Central Figures, Heroes, Key Players, School Libraries Worldwide, October 1, 2015

School Libraries Worldwide January 2016 (Volume 22, Number 1) Celebrity: Teacher Librarians as Central Figures, Heroes, Key Players Call for Papers–Due October 1, 2015 Editors: Marcia Mardis and Nancy EverhartGuest Co-Editor: Rebecca Hunt School Libraries Worldwide is the official professional and research journal of the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL). It is published twice…

Mesa Redonda: Buenas practicas en la ingesta y recuperacion de los documentos sonoros, IIBI UNAM, Mexico

El Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecologicas y de la Informacion de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, le invita cordialmente a la  MESA REDONDA:BUENAS PRACTICAS EN LA INGESTA Y RECUPERACION DE LOS DOCUMENTOS SONOROS Actividad que forma parte del Seminario de Investigacion Metadatos, coordinado por el Dr. Ariel Alejandro Rodriguez Garcia, Investigador del IIBI / UNAM….

Library/Technology Assistant, Pearl K. Wise Library, Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, Cambridge, MA

Role and Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the School Library Media Specialist(s) and the Director of Libraries, the Library and Technology Assistant is responsible for performing clerical and technical tasks as well as positively interacting with students, faculty, and staff to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of information and technology services in an active, technology-rich…

Conferencia: Ciencia Abierta, el siguiente paso OPEN

El Posgrado en Bibliotecologia y Estudios de la Informacion, en colaboracion con el Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecologicas y de la Informacion de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, le invitan cordialmente a la CONFERENCIA:CIENCIA ABIERTA, EL SIGUIENTE PASO OPEN Que dictara Fernando Ariel Lopez, Coordinador de Comunicacion y Formacion en el Centro Argentino de Informacion…

Library Utility Aide, Somerville Public Schools, Somerville, MA

Job Goal: To assist the Library Media Specialist in operating an effective library-media center. 3 openings – AM and PM shifts available Part time: 8:15 – 11:45 AM or 11:45 – 3:15 PM Responsibilities: Managing the Circulation database Assisting students with the use of laptops and computers Maintaining organization of print and non-print materials and…

Deadline Approaches for OCLC ALISE LIS Faculty Research Grant Proposals

Electronically submitted proposals for the 2016 OCLC/ALISE Library and Information Science Research Grant Program are due by midnight Tuesday, 15 September 2015. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. and OCLC Research, in collaboration with the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), invite research proposals for the 2016 Library and Information Science Research Grant Program…

Call for Papers – Neo-documentation Around the World: Global Developments

In celebration of the 20-year anniversary of Documentation Studies (named Media- and Documentation Studies since 2013) at the University of Tromsø, we are publishing a special 2016 issue of the Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the Document Academy (, a peer-reviewed edition. The theme for this call for papers is Neo-documentation Around the World: Global Developments. Possible…