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Call for Proposals: Digital Humanities 2017 Workshop

Overview Humanities scholars have historically used archives that include restricted or privacy-sensitive collections in order to conduct their investigations about sensitive topics. The recent developments in digitization and dissemination technologies present the possibility of making archival collections broadly available. Furthermore, collections of new, born-digital documents will be readily available to support and enhance scholarship. However, such access has also exacerbated threats to…

Call for Proposal & Doctoral Workshop: RAILS 2017

Theme: Playing and learning together: Interdisciplinary research and teachingLocation: City West Campus, University of South Australia, AdelaideConference Dates: 28-30 November, 2017Submission deadline: Monday, 31 July 2017Acceptance notification: Friday, 1 September 2017 The 2017 RAILS conference will be hosted by the School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, University of South Australia, and held at UniSA’s City…

NELIG Annual Conference

Designing Your Instruction: Lessons, Programs, and Spaces The New England Library Instruction Group is pleased to announce its annual conference, which will be held Friday, June 9, 2017 at Fitchburg State University in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. The program, “Designing Your Instruction: Lessons, Programs, and Spaces,” will explore ways that librarians incorporate design in developing information literacy…

Call for Proposals: Knowledge Organization within the Museum Domain

Special issue of Knowledge OrganizationGuest editor: Melissa Gill Knowledge Organization (KO) invites proposals for a special issue focused on knowledge organization within the museum domain. Museums, like libraries and archives, are information institutions for material culture. Museum knowledge organization is object- and context-centric, focusing on the unique instantiation of a particular object and its historical and cultural…

2017 New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians

Registration is now open for the 2017 New England Science Boot Camp for Librarians! For further information and to register: This year’s Science Boot Camp will be held June 14-16, 2017 on the campus of University of Massachusetts Amherst, in Amherst, Massachusetts. At Science Boot Camp you will explore key concepts and research in select subject areas, and engage…

Call for Papers: 2017 Library Research Round Table Forums

The Library Research Round Table (LRRT) is accepting paper submissions for two Research Forums at the 2017 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Chicago. The LRRT Research Forums will feature 20-minute presentations of library and information science (LIS) research followed by discussion. Proposals are due midnight Eastern on Monday, May 1, 2017. (See submission…

Call for Papers: Special Issue of Digital Humanities Quarterly

Invisible Work in the Digital HumanitiesSpecial Issue of Digital Humanities Quarterly (2018) GUEST EDITORSTarez Samra Graban, Paul F. Marty, Allen Romano, and Micah VandegriftFlorida State University PROJECT DESCRIPTIONAt a recent symposium at Florida State University, digital humanists, librarians, and technology specialists explored the challenges of diverging expectations, unequal labor, and invisible work in the digital…

Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems is hiring now!

Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems is hiring now for Systems, Software, Mechanical, Electrical, Validation and Test, and Whole Life Engineering positions. New College/soon to graduate applicants as well as professionals are encouraged to apply for positions in the eastern Mass (Tewksbury, Woburn, Andover and Marlborough) areas.  Specific needs in Systems Engineering include strong skills in Modeling…

Call for Applications: ALA Diversity Research Grant

Please excuse cross-posting. This is a reminder that the ALA Diversity Research Grant program is accepting applications until April 15th. More information below: The American Library Association (ALA) Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services seeks proposals for the Diversity Research Grant program. Applications may address any diversity-related topic which addresses critical gaps in the…

Call for Applications: 2017 Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship

Applications are now open for the 2017 Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship, sponsored by the Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF), and four half scholarships for students to attend “Intellectual Freedom and Censorship,” a 2-credit graduate course in Intellectual Freedom offered through the University of Illinois iSchool, sponsored by the Judith F. Krug Memorial Fund.  “The…