SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions


International Council for Scientific and Technical Information Workshops, Washington D.C.

ICSTI (International Council for Scientific and Technical Information) workshops registration is open at: The ITOC and TACC Workshops will be held as part of the ICSTI 2017 General Assembly and workshops event on Thursday 26th October 2017 in Washington D.C. The event is hosted by the Library of Congress. ITOC WorkshopThe Information Trends and Opportunities…

Digital Methods Winter School, Digital Methods Initiative, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Digital Methods Initiative (DMI) will host its 10th annual Digital Methods Winter School from January 8-12, 2018 at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Below please find the call for participation. This year’s theme is: “The Social Lives of Digital Methods: Encounters, Experiments, Interventions”. The deadline for applications is December 7, 2017. More information is available at or email to [email protected].

Site Administrator, Townsend Historical Society, Townsend, MA

Job Description: Reports to: Townsend Historical Society Board of Directors Hours: 12 hours per week (3 days @ 4hrs/day) for the first year. As-needed hours (for event planning assistance, etc.) may be added on a temporary basis at the direction of, and approved by, the Board of Directors. Potential increase in regular hours after the…

Access Services Assistant, Gutman Library, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA

Harvard Library is currently accepting applications for a temporary Access Services Assistant. Please find the description below:   Temporary weekend assistant needed for Gutman Library at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Responsible for opening/closing the library, supervising student workers, general circulation, monitoring space usage, special projects. Saturday (9am – 7pm) and Sunday (12pm-9pm)  …

Technical Services Coordinator, Allen Library, University of Hartford, Westhartford, CT

POSITION DETAILS: This is a regular full-time non-exempt position, 35 hours per week, which may include evening and weekend hours Salary Grade: H1. For salary ranges please see: POSITION SUMMARY: Assumes responsibility for performing basic copy cataloging and processing functions as well as providing information and services to library patrons in an effort to ensure effective…

Online Master’s, Digital Curation, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

Become a leader in the emerging field of digital asset management with the new Professional Science Master’s (PSM) degree in Digital Curation <> from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This 31-credit, 100% online program is the first master’s degree in North America focused on digital curation. Students will have the opportunity to work with world-renowned faculty members…

Online European Regional Meeting, ASIS&T

Due to popular demand, ASIS&T will now offer our European RegionalMeeting online as well as in-person at Humboldt University in Berlin. The meeting takes place on 4 October and will cover an array of topicsover the course of the day. Virtual attendees are welcome to join themeeting at any point and stay as long as…

Last Call for Papers: EVIA 2017, Extended Deadline October 13

We invite submissions for the Eighth International Workshop onEvaluating Information Access (EVIA 2017) which will be held inconjunction with NTCIR 13 in Tokyo, Japan, on December 5, 2017. Information Access technologies provide the interface between humaninformation needs and digital information resources. The reliableevaluation of these technologies has been recognized for decades ascentral to the advancement…

Senior Library Assistant, Newton Free Library, Newton, MA

Location: 330 Homer Street Salary Range:  $36,629 to $49,227 in eleven steps                Grade: S04, AFSCME, Local 3092   Department Head: Philip E. McNulty, Director                         Posting: External   Date of Notice:                       10/4/2017                                                                       The Newton Free Library serves a dynamic, library-loving community making us one of the most active libraries in the state in…

Circulation Supervisor, MCPHS University, Boston, MA

Circulation Supervisor – Evenings / Weekends MCPHS University Boston, MA Campus   For nearly 200 years, MCPHS University, formerly known as Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, has been at the forefront of innovation in the healthcare world.  We take pride in our history, yet are motivated by a curiosity about the future. That’s…