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2023 Joint Annual Conference Call for Proposals, ACRL New England Chapter (ACRL NEC) & New England Library Instruction Group, (A Special Interest Group of ACRL NEC)

June 5-6, 2023 This year’s ACRL NEC Annual conference theme is: Welcome Back:  Looking Forward and Engaging Everyone June 5, 2023 In Person Event Hogan Campus Center – College of the Holy Cross Worcester, MA The New England Library Instruction Group (NELIG) theme is: Welcome Back:  (re)Engaging Library Instruction  June 6, 2023 Live Virtual Event…

Scholarship, American Library Association (ALA)

If you need a bit of financial help to get through your graduate program, scholarship funds are now available. The American Library Association (ALA) has more than $300,000 available to students who are studying in library science or school library media programs at the master’s degree level. Get your application in early. The deadline to…

Lucille M. Wert Student Scholarship, CINF Awards Committee, Bryn Mawr, PA

Description Designed to help a person with an interest in the fields of Chemistry and Information to pursue graduate study in Library, Information, or Computer Science with an emphasis on Chemical Informatics. The Scholarship consists of a $1,500 honorarium. This scholarship is given yearly (to a qualified applicant) by the Division of Chemical Information of the…

GoPromotional Scholarship Program

Description: As a world-class distributor of promotional products, GoPromotional seeks to support the next generation of marketing leaders and business innovators through a college scholarship contest. We’re looking for students who demonstrate creativity, a passion for marketing, and a commitment to excellence in business–the same principles that have guided GoPromotional since 2008. Apply for the…

CALA Scholarships, Chinese American Librarian Association

Description: The Chinese American Librarian Association (CALA) is soliciting scholarship applications from students and new librarians. CALA offers several scholarships that are open to full-time students and new librarians in the U.S. and Canada who are of Chinese descent. These scholarships are designed to encourage professional and leadership development in Chinese librarianship in the US…

Call for Submissions- 2022-2023 E L Josey Scholarship, Black Caucus of the American Library Association

Description: The 2022-2023 E J Josey Scholarship Award Committee of the Black Caucus of the American Library Association seeks essay submissions. Freedom of information is under attack in our libraries. Please choose a local, state, or national issue affecting libraries and write a 3 – 5-page essay designing an awareness program or outreach activity for…

Scholarship Opportunities- Medical Library Association (MLA) Student Scholarships

Description: The Medical Library Association wants to support your excellence in scholarship and potential for accomplishment in health sciences librarianship through its student scholarships.  Each scholarship awards up to either $1,000 or $5,000 to a library science student entering a Master’s program at an ALA-accredited graduate library school or at the time of the granting…

Apply now for the 2022 WAML Diversity and Early Career Librarian Scholarships! 

Description: The Western Association of Map Libraries (WAML) is an independent association of map and geospatial librarians and other people with an interest in maps and geospatial librarianship. WAML is committed to actively encouraging diverse voices and new perspectives in the field of map and geospatial librarianship and within our organization. We are excited to announce three…

Scholarships For Library School Students, Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS)

Description: The Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS) is proud to announce that our 2022 ABOS Awards Program is now open. ABOS sponsors two scholarships for library school students: Bernard Vavrek Scholarship $1,000 scholarship applied to the Spring 2023 Semester Dr. Bernard Vavrek, Professor of Library Science, Chair of the Library Science Department at Clarion University, co-founded with…

Scholarship Opportunity – Scholarship available to the Historic New England Summit

Description: Boston, May 2022 – Historic New England is now accepting scholarship applications for the Historic New England Summit in Worcester, Mass., on October 13 and 14, 2022.  The Summit is New England’s largest conference about the places we live and our collective roles in creating livable and resilient communities. This highly interactive program will include keynote presentations by regional and…