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Public Library Positions

Part-Time Teen Programming & Reference Librarian, Springfield City Library, Springfield, MA

The Springfield City Library seeks applications for a Part-Time Reference Librarian position, with a Teen programming focus, at our forward-looking public library. Get excited about the possibilities of working in the city of Springfield by watching this video, then apply before midnight EST on Wednesday, May 24, 2017. We seek candidates who can embrace the attitude that “It’s All Yours,…

Youth Services Librarian, Plymouth Public Library, Plymouth, MA

The Town of Plymouth seeks qualified applicants for the position of Professional Librarian for the Youth Services Department at the Plymouth Public Library.  Works under the diretion of the Library Director and in conjuction with the Youth Services Librarian performing duties on a professional level. Responsibilites include storytelling, program development, collection development and other activities…

Library Director, Philbrick James Library, Deerfield, NH

The Philbrick James Library in Deerfield, New Hampshire is seeking an outgoing, organized, and experienced person to fill the position of Library Director. Deerfield is a friendly, growing community of about 4,500 residents, and is convenient to Concord, Manchester, and Portsmouth. The library building is located at the center of the town’s historic district. Description:…

IT/Reference Librarian, Amesbury Public Library, Amesbury, MA

Summary Statement of Duties: Responsible for long range planning for technological development and for coordinating and supporting all computer technology services within the library, including the Library’s consortium services via MVLC.  Oversees and maintains Web presence and Internet services, evaluation, selection, installation and maintenance of hardware and software.  Trains staff and public in the use of…

Archivist (Temporary), Kingston Public Library, Kingston, MA

Anticipated Employment Dates: June 2017 – July 2018 Definition: Professional and direct service work coordinating services, volunteers, and other resources to provide a comprehensive program of collecting, preserving, research, programming, digitization, outreach, and public relations in the area of Kingston history, working with all ages, for the Kingston Public Library; all other related work as…

Library Clerk, Wayland Free Public Library, Wayland, MA

Part-Time: Currently 1 weekday shift every week and 1 Saturday PER MONTH and an undetermined number of substitute hoursGrade: Non-union hourly library clerkWages: $15.69 – $20.48 per hour, no benefits Description of Position:  Part-time position working in the Children’s Department and substituting in both the Children’s Department and Circulation Department of a busy, medium-sized public library which prides…

Library Director, Chesterfield Public Library, Chesterfield, NH

The Trustees of the Chesterfield Public Library are accepting applications for the position of a full-time Library Director.  The position is for 35 hours per week and includes vacation, holidays and sick time, and health and retirement benefits through the Town of Chesterfield. The Library Director reports to the Board of Trustees, and has the…

Substitute Librarians: Children, Teen, and Adult Services, Watertown Free Public Library, Watertown, MA

The Watertown Free Public Library is looking for substitute children’s, teen, and adult services librarians. Our busy mid-sized library serves a diverse population of people with a broad catalog of needs. In one day visitors might ask for the telephone number of the CEO of a national company, directions to a local concert, help requesting…

Head of Young Adult Services, Beverly Public Library, Beverly, MA

The Beverly Public Library is seeking an enthusiastic and energetic librarian to be our new Head of Young Adult Services. The successful candidate will be responsible for running an active 12-member Teen Advisory Board, planning and executing creative, engaging programs for young adults in grades 6-12, and maintaining our well-circulating YA collection. Additionally, this librarian…

Member Services Manager, Cape Libraries Automated Materials Sharing (CLAMS), Hyannis, MA

Closing Date: May 26, 2017 Full Time (40 hours per week) Reports to: Executive Director.Supervises 3 staff – 2 catalogers (MLS level), 1 Cataloging Assistant. Position Summary Assist the Executive Director to establish goals, objectives, future plans and strategies for the CLAMS network to accommodate member libraries’ current and projected automation requirements. In a team…