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Public Library Positions

Teen Services Librarian, The Reading Public Library, Reading, MA

Description: Love where you work and what you do! Join the dynamic and supportive staff of The Reading Public Library as we are now hiring a full-time Teen Services Librarian.  A career in teen librarianship offers a rewarding opportunity to create a welcoming space where teens can navigate life with the support of innovative, impactful…

On-Call Librarians, Springfield City Library, Springfield, MA (Multiple Positions)

Description: We’re renewing our call for applicants for our substitute pool at Springfield City Library. We reopened branches to the public on July 6, 2021, so we need to have some more great on-call librarians jump in the pool! This is an outstanding opportunity to gain varied experience in a progressive organization with great co-workers….

Library Page, Milford Town Library, Milford, MA (Multiple Positions)

Description: Position Description: Library Page– Sorts and shelves books, periodicals and non-print materials by call number.– Maintains order by physically straightening, and organizing materials by call number.– Prepares and cleans library materials for public use.– Performs other tasks as requested– Hours: 10 hours per week; flexible schedule, though may include some evening andSaturday hours. Salary:…

Library Director, Brookline Public Library, Brookline, NH

Description: The Trustees of the Brookline Public Library are seeking an energetic, creative individual withexcellent interpersonal, leadership, and technical skills to join our library family in the keyleadership role of Library Director. The Brookline Public Library is the town library for Brookline, NH, a growing southern NHtown with a current population of about 5,000 residents….

Library Assistant I – Reference, Gleason Public Library, Carlisle, MA

Description: The Gleason Public Library is seeking an enthusiastic and customer-service focusedemployee to fill a part-time Library Assistant I position. Primary responsibilities include assisting customers of all ages in the use and selection oflibrary materials and services; staffing the public service desks, including reference, circulation, andchildren’s; and assisting customers with public computer use, research inquiries,…

Reference & Public Services Librarian, Belmont Public Library

Description: The Belmont Public Library is seeking a Reference & Public Services Librarian to join their team. The Reference & Public Services Librarian provides professional reference librarian and information services to library patrons and supports programming, community and public service needs. The work is performed under the supervision of the Coordinator of Reference & Public…

Librarian – Information Services, Wellesley Free Library, Wellesley, MA (Part time)

Description: The Wellesley Free Library is seeking a fearless, flexible and fun librarian to join ourteam. The technology-savvy and customer service oriented part-time (16 hours/week)Librarian will provide the highest quality library service. Under the supervision of theInformation Services Supervisor, duties will include providing technology education toadult patrons (including coding and instruction on the use of…

Librarian – Information Services, Wellesley Free Library, Wellesley, MA (Full time)

Description: The Wellesley Free Library is seeking a fearless, flexible and fun librarian to join our team. Thetechnology-savvy and customer service oriented full-time (35 hours/week) Librarian will providethe highest quality library service. Under the supervision of the Information Services Supervisor,duties will include providing technology education to adult patrons (including coding andinstruction on the use of…

Library Assistant in Acquisitions and Cataloging Services, Wellesley Free Library, Wellesley, MA

Description: The Wellesley Free Library (WFL) is seeking a fearless, flexible and fun part-time (16hours/week) Library Assistant in the Acquisitions and Cataloging Services (ACS) Department. The ACS Department is responsible for the organization and management of ordering and receiving and processing books, serials, and non-book materials selected for addition to the Wellesley Free Library’s (WFL)…

Library Assistants in Circulation, Wellesley Free Library, Wellesley, MA (Multiple positions)

Description: The Wellesley Free Library (WFL) is seeking a fearless, flexible and fun part-time (16hours/week) Library Assistant in the Circulation Department. Duties include providing excellent customer service at the Main and Branch Libraries, checking in and checking out of library materials; assisting patrons in the use of self-check terminals; shelving materials; shelf-reading; assisting customers at…