SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Professional Job Listings in New England

Head of Children’s Services, Chelmsford Public Library, Chelmsford, MA

Posting Date: August 11, 2016Salary: $51,143 to $72,424 in ten steps Hours: 37.5 hrs. per week Schedule: To include one night and a Saturday rotationFull Time -37.5 hours including 1 night and a Saturday rotation Duties/Description: Wanted: Innovative, energetic and versatile librarian to lead the children’s department in one of the most active public libraries…

Library Director, Somers Public Library, Somers, CT

The Somers Public Library seeks a creative, enthusiastic Library Director with strong public service skills. The Library Director is responsible for all phases of library operations including budget development and management, preparation of policies and programs, collection development and acquisition of materials, automation and the use of appropriate technology, and oversees the care and maintenance…

Head of Children’s and Young Adults’ Department, Forbes Library, Northampton, MA

Forbes Library, Northampton’s public library, is looking for an enthusiastic, creative, energetic librarian to run the Children’s and Young Adults’ Department with the vision to help the library transform youth services.   Northampton is one of the top small arts cities in the United States and lies in the heart of the beautiful Connecticut River…

Part-time Reference and Instruction Librarian, Springfield Technical Community College, Springfield, MA

GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: The STCC Library is well known among colleagues and students for our strength in support of student learning and of student success.  This position provides reference, computer, database services and instruction to students, faculty and staff at the college.  The staff is a team of individuals who all contribute to the…

Part-Time Young Adult Librarian, M.G. Parker Memorial Library, Dracut, MA

The M.G. Parker Memorial Library seeks an energetic, enthusiastic, outgoing librarian to serve the young adults of Dracut. This is a professional, part-time position requiring, a background in young adult services, knowledge of print and non-print materials pertinent to this age group and the ability to interact with seventh grade students and up. This part-time…

Head of Research, Teaching and Learning, Simmons College Library, Boston, MA

This position will ensure strategic adoption of best practices to provide excellent, innovative and proactive library service in the areas of Research, Teaching and Learning to students, faculty, and staff in alignment with the missions of the Library and of the College. This individual collaborates both internally with other library departments and externally with Faculty…

Head of Discovery Services, Simmons College Library, Boston, MA

This position will ensure strategic adoption of best practices to provide excellent, innovative and proactive library service in the areas of collection development and access to information for students, faculty, and staff in alignment with the missions of the Library and of the College. This position will provide leadership in developing and maintaining workflows for…

Youth Services Librarian/Assistant Director, Uxbridge Free Public Library, Uxbridge, MA

Duties/ Description: The Uxbridge Free Public Library is seeking an enthusiastic, energetic, and creative professional librarian. This position oversees all activities necessary to ensure that the library provides inspiring, quality, age- appropriate materials, assistance and programing for babies, children, teens, families, parents, caregivers and teachers.  The ideal candidate will provide high-quality reference, homework help, reader’s…

Library Director, Pope St. John XXIII Seminary, Weston, MA

Pope St. John XXIII Seminary in Weston, MA is searching for a director for its library. Pope St. John XXIII is a small, Catholic seminary. The library director’s position will be a part-time  position (16 hours/week). The successful applicant will have a MLS degree, or be in the process of earning such a degree. Search deadline is…

E-Resource Technology Coordinator, Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Under the general supervision of the E-Resource and Procurement Manager, the E-Resource Technology Coordinator will support patron access to the University Libraries’ electronic resources, review and maintain licensing documentation for electronic resources and contribute to the planning, implementation, and supervision of assigned acquisitions and e-resource management projects.  The Coordinator’s responsibilities will involve managing the set-up,…