SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Opportunities for Current Students

Call for Participation, Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc, October 7 2013

Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (ART) Disaster Planning for Archives and Their Communities: Call for Participation —————————————————————————————————– As we approach the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, train service has been restored to the Rockaways and City beaches have opened for the summer, however many archives, libraries, museums and homes have only just…

Summer Internship, Harvard University, Cambridge MA

Creating a taxonomy of scholarship at Harvard Harvard Faculty Finder (HFF) ( is a new website that enables a search and browse interface to all Harvard faculty. It links together databases across Harvard University, including its Human Resources database, the Harvard OnLine Library Information System (HOLLIS), Thomson Reuters Web of Science (WoS), the Harvard Course…

Library Internship, Warren Public Library, Warren MA

Library Internship Job Function: Performs circulation duties including processing reserves, interlibrary loan requests, and registering patrons for new library cards. Assists patrons with locating materials, conducting computer research, and downloading e-books and e-audio materials on a variety of devices. Assist staff with developing and coordinating programs for different user groups. Knowledge and Abilities:   Knowledge of library principles,…

Dean’s Fellow for Technology Support, Simmons College, Boston MA

We are now accepting applications for the GSLIS Dean’s Fellowship for Technology Support position, an integral member of the GSLIS technology team. The position would have a July/early August start date but this can be flexible based on existing commitments of interested applicants. Fellowships are available to new or currently enrolled students. Preference will be…

Educator Recruitment Fair (6/12/13), Springfield Public Schoools, Springfield MA

Come to the Springfield Public Schools (SPS) Recruitment Fair for Middle School Teachers and Educators on Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at 4:00 pm at the Chestnut Accelerated Middle School. Thank you for your interest in the Springfield Public Schools! The Springfield Public School district is committed to hiring a diverse pool of qualified educators, administrators, and…

Social Media and Marketing Volunteer/Intern, Richard Salter Storrs Library, Longmeadow MA

The Richard Salter Storrs Library in Longmeadow, MA is seeking a motivated social media and marketing volunteer/intern. We are a busy public library with a population of about 15,000. The social media and marketing intern position’s duties will include outreach planning, collaborating on a social media plan for library communication, and marketing our electronic resources…

Library Internship, Temple Israel, Boston MA

LIBRARY INTERNSHIP (VOLUNTEER)   AT TEMPLE ISRAEL, BOSTON  JULY-AUGUST*  2013 Temple Israel is looking for a library school student, or recent library school graduate who is either interested in the field of Judaic librarianship, and/or would like to gain hands-on experience in a small, special library 7/10 of a mile from Simmons.     The…

Archive Intern, Democracy Now! Archive, New York NY

Position Title: Archive Intern The Democracy Now! Archive is looking for interns for summer 2013. The internship program is structured for students and individuals interested in gaining hands on experience in the field of audiovisual archiving and preservation. Interns build skills and become familiar with practical applications of those skills in the workplace. The position…

Annual Competition for the Best Libri Student Paper 2013

Annual Competition for the Best Libri Student Paper 2013 Since 1950, through 63 volumes, Libri: International Journal of Libraries and Information Services has been a leader among scholarly journals in the international library world. As part of its strategy to remain one of the premier library journals and to encourage new writers, Libri is issuing…

Scholarship, Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce (IRDW), Association of Research Libraries (ARL)

The Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce  seeks to recruit students from traditionally underrepresented groups into careers in research and academic libraries. This program has been funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) for the last ten years. This is the first class since the earliest years of the program that will be…