SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Opportunities for Current Students

Research Room Internship, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, Boston MA

Interns in the Research Room at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library assist professional reference staff in responding to research requests for textual (paper-based) archival collections. The intern’s primary responsibility will be answering reference requests from off-site researchers, including anyone from scholars to publishers to the general public, and covering a wide range of topics. Interns…

Various Opportunities, Boston Marathon Digital Archive

We’ve finally finished a new, more user-friendly version of the Contribute plugin for Omeka, which should help the public more easily contribute to the archive ( As the project becomes more public, we hope to gather a much wider collection of stories, photos, videos, and more from around the city and beyond.  You can help…

Preservation Volunteer, Hingham Public Library, Hingham MA

Position:   Preservation Volunteer Location:  Hingham Public Library  Department:  Historical Collections  Description:  Under the supervision of the Town of Hingham Archivist the preservation volunteer will work on several projects to ensure the historical materials at the Library are properly preserved.  This work will include removing items from frames, placing photographs, textiles, paper documents, etc. in archival…

Archives Internship, Imperial Valley Desert Museum, Ocotillo CA

Summary: The Imperial Valley Desert Museum is seeking an outgoing archive intern to implement the establishment of a new archive. This is a great opportunity for an enthusiastic entry-level professional with a deep interest in professional development, life-long learning, and a desire to establish archives as agents of identity.   Location: The Imperial Valley Desert Museum is a new museum…

Volunteer, Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education Task Force, American Association for Research Libraries

Are you seeking a meaningful opportunity to make a contribution to the profession and higher education? As ACRL President Steven Bell indicated in his recent post, an ACRL task force (the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education Task Force) is in the process of extensively revising the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, which were adopted in…

Internship, Newbury Court, Concord MA

We are looking for a library school student, grad or retiree to help catalogue our 3,000 volume resident library.    We are Newbury Court,  a lovely continuing care community located in historic Concord MA.    Software was recently purchased to start this process, and we are now looking for a volunteer/intern to provide knowledge and support to…

Volunteer Opportunity, The Boston Teacher’s Union School, Boston MA

WHEN: THIS Saturday June 22, 2013 from 9am-4pm. Feel free to come for the whole thing or just a few hours throughout the day. WHERE: The Boston Teacher’s Union School in Jamaica Plain. 25 Walk Hill St. Jamaica Plain, 02134 WHAT: Using our librarian skills to get a school’s library up and running! The BTU school’s library is entirely donation-based…

Special Collections/Archival Internship, Fleet Library at the Rhode Island School of Design, Providence RI

Fleet Library at RISD Special Collections/Archival Internship Book Artist Archives Project July and August or Fall Semester 2013   * * * COLLECTION OVERVIEW:   Ruth Laxson Artist Book Process Archive This collection is comprised of unpublished process materials for the artists’ books produced by Ruth Laxson from 1980 to present and unpublished notes for…

Intern, Metadata and Digital Object Roundtable Steering Committee, August 2013-July 2014

The Metadata and Digital Object Roundtable Steering Committee seeks a qualified graduate student to serve as the MDOR Intern from August 2013-July 2014.  To qualify, you must be currently enrolled in a graduate program in library and information science (or a related field). Internship responsibilities have included coordinating web content submissions, gathering information on SAA…

Intern, Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners’/Coordinated Statewide Emergency Preparedness, Boston MA

From 2009-2011 a Simmons College GSLIS intern created a database of some 1,800 cultural institutions in Massachusetts, including libraries, town halls, museums, historical societies, etc. for the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners’ (MBLC) Connecting to Collections grant.  This database has lain dormant for the past two years.  COSTEP MA (Coordinated Statewide Emergency Preparedness: Your Emergency…