SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Opportunities for Current Students

Historical Museum Archives Intern, Kingston NH

The Town of Kingston, NH is offering an unpaid internship for a current student or recent graduate of an archival studies program. This is an excellent opportunity to gain practical experience arranging and describing collections while under the supervision of a trained professional.  Directions to Kingston, NH (one hour north of Boston): Take Route 93N…

Seeking Spanish-speaking GSLIS student, Parker Hill Branch, Boston Public Library, Boston MA

We’re planning a bilingual toddler story-time this fall, and are looking for a Spanish-speaking partner.   Our expectations for this volunteer would be:          Commit to a weekly story time, lasting 30-45 minutes on a weekday morning (TBD) at 10:30am – for a 6-week session (possibility to extend further)          During the story time, read one book in…

Digital Projects Intern, Lamson Library, Plymouth State University, Plymouth NH

Digital Projects Intern – Lamson Library, Plymouth State University   Lamson Library is seeking a detail-oriented intern to work on a historical digital collection of photographs.  Through improvement and expansion of existing metadata and migration of the collection to CONTENTdm, we will be increasing accessibility to a set of unique historical images.  Under the supervision…

Call for applications, ARL/Society of American Archivists Mosaic Program

ARL and the Society of American Archivists (SAA) are now accepting applications for the first cohort of the ARL/SAA Mosaic Program. This program promotes much-needed diversification of the archives and special collections professional workforce by providing financial support, practical work experience, mentoring, career placement assistance, and leadership development to emerging professionals from underrepresented racial and…

Volunteer, Monson Free Library, Monson MA

Interested in gaining practical experience providing programs for kids? The Monson Free Library wants to hear from you! We are a small public library with a very active youth department (of one!) committed to providing innovative and engaging programs to the youth of our community of 8,500 people. We are currently gearing up for the…

Call for manuscripts, Specialty of the House, Journal of Hospital Librarianship

Journal of Hospital Librarianship, a peer reviewed journal that considers all aspects of hospital/clinical librarianship, seeks original contributions to the column, Specialty of the House.  First time authors are especially welcomed.  The next submission deadline to the column editor is September 1st, 2013. “Specialty” columns can apply to almost anything – a special service or…

Massachusetts Library Aid Association 2013 Scholarship Program

The Massachusetts Library Aid Association (MLAA) Committee on Aid to Small Public Libraries is pleased to announce its Scholarship Program for the fall 2013 term.  MLAA is a private foundation. The purpose of this program is to subsidize training in Library and Information Science for librarians and library staff who are presently employed in small…

Independent Study Opportunity, Harvard Business Publishing Group, Watertown MA

XML-focused Internship or Independent Study opportunity with Harvard Business School’s Publishing Group   Harvard Business Publishing’s Higher Education unit sells content from HBS and other sources to business schools around the world via our Harvard Business for Educators website as well as a series of business-to-business delivery models.  The content we sell includes Harvard Business School case…

Internship, Architecture_MPS Journal

Architecture_media_politics_society, is a fully peer-reviewed academic journal in the field of architecture and contemporary culture. Its focus is cross-disciplinary and, in addition to being a platform for publication, it also operates as a resource repository offering up-to-date materials for research. It represents an academic first: the combining of research materials and related academic publications on…

ASIS&T SIG ED Graduate Student Travel Award Applications  Nature of the Award: The award shall consist of a check for $400. Purpose of the Award: The purpose of the award is to assist a student in a Master’s or doctoral program in attending the ASIS&T Annual Meeting by defraying travel expenses. Eligibility:·         Applicants must be SIG ED members at the time of application. (If you are not…