SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Opportunities for Current Students

Marcom Digital Asset Management Intern, Apple, Inc.

Marcom is responsible for developing breakthrough marketing campaigns that incorporate all communication disciplines. Apple is looking for an enthusiastic, curious, and resourceful Digital Asset Management Intern to restructure and globalize our digital archive of Marcom deliverables in PDF format. The intern will work with Marcom Asset Managers to create naming, taxonomy, and descriptive metadata standards…

MSLA-SIG Scholarship, MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Fall Conference

Apply for the MSLA-SIG Scholarship to attend MassCUE/M.A.S.S. Fall Conference: “Confidence to Create” at Gillette Stadium, Foxborough, MA–October 22 and 23, 2014 Scholarship includes: Free student member admission for two students and the cost of mileage. The mileage will be reimbursed through the LISSA Reimbursement program. Please follow this link for further information:  …

Information Literacy Program Internship Fall 2014, DiMenna-Nyselius Library, Fairfield University, Fairfield CT

Description of Program: In concert with the mission of Fairfield University, the DiMenna-Nyselius Library Instruction Program seeks to develop information-literate lifelong learners. We define information literacy as the ability to recognize when information is needed; to effectively locate and organize information while considering the myriad of information sources and formats available; to logically and critically…

Call for Submissions, Miriam Braverman Memorial Prize

The Braverman Prize is an award given each year by the Progressive Librarians Guild (PLG) for the best graduate student essay about some aspect of the social responsibilities of librarians, libraries, or librarianship. The 2014 Braverman Prize includes a $500 stipend for travel expenses to the ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas, NV, and publication…

Library Science Specialist Internship, Good Anchorage, New Caledonia, France

Good Anchorage is a unique global User Generated Content website for maritime information.  The team is comprised of professional, experienced experts in Maritime and IT state-of-the art practices.  We are looking for open-minded, creative individuals to contribute to our modern Maritime & Tourism World. GA views interns as our future workforce therefore work assigned to…

Communications Specialist Internship, Good Anchorage, New Caledonia, France

Good Anchorage is a unique global User Generated Content website for maritime information.  The team is comprised of professional, experienced experts in Maritime and IT state-of-the art practices.  We are looking for open-minded, creative individual to contribute to our modern Maritime & Tourism World. GA views interns as our future workforce therefore work assigned to an…

Call for Applications, ARL/Music Library Association (MLA) Diversity and Inclusion Initiative

ARL is now accepting applications for the ARL/Music Library Association (MLA) Diversity and Inclusion Initiative (DII). This scholarship program, funded by a Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and by ARL and MLA, offers minority candidates an opportunity to pursue the master’s degree in library and…

Volunteer, The Uni Project, Boston MA

Want to be a public librarian outside this summer? Volunteer to help The Uni Project, the Boston Public Library, and the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy offer pop-up, open-air reading rooms all along the Greenway in downtown Boston. For more info,, and contact Leslie Davol ([email protected]) with a short statement of interest.

Intern, Massachusetts Sesquicentennial Commission of the Civil War, Boston MA

The Massachusetts Sesquicentennial Commission of the Civil War is currently accepting applications for internships. The Commission was established by Governor Deval Patrick by Executive Order 529 to commemorate Massachusetts’ contribution to the Civil War. The all-volunteer Commission is active through 2015 and meets in Boston monthly to discuss events and projects to commemorate the Civil War. The ideal student…

Archives Aide/Intern, Everglades National Park, Homestead FL

South Florida Collections Management Center Archives Internship Opportunities (Limited number of paid internships; Park housing costs covered for unpaid interns) Title: Archives Aide/Intern Supervisor:  Bonnie Ciolino, Archivist Program: Everglades National Park, South Florida Collections Management Center, Archives Available Dates: June-September, 2014 (dates flexible)         Commitment: 400 hours, or 32-40 hours per week Activities and Tasks: Interns…