SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Opportunities for Current Students

Graduate Intern, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford CT

The Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art is seeking a graduate intern from the Masters of Library & Information Sciences program, Archives Management concentration for the summer of 2015 to assist with a planning project to prepare for the digital scanning of selected documents and visual images in its Archives.  If funded, the internship will last…

Call for Participation, ASIS&T SIG-USE Symposium

Theme: “Context in Information Behavior Research”Date: November 1, 2014 (Saturday)Time: 1:30 to 6:30 pmLocation: Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA, USA ABOUT THE 2014 SIG-USE SYMPOSIUM:The importance of context in human information behavior research has been well established. Nonetheless, it has been observed that although contextual aspects are included in most research, they tend to serve…

Graduate Assistantship: Resident Director, Simmons College, Boston MA

PT RD, Simmons CollegeJob Summary:The Resident Director (RD) is an essential part of the Residence Life staff providing a live-in link between residents and the Student Life Division. This is a ten month half-time exempt position (approximately 20 hours/week). The starting date is August 1, 2014 and ends May 31, 2015. The position requires some…

Apply to the ALA Emerging Leaders Program!

The American Library Association (ALA) Emerging Leaders (EL) program is a leadership development program which enables newer library workers from across the country to participate in problem-solving work groups, network with peers, gain an inside look into ALA structure, and have an opportunity to serve the profession in a leadership capacity. It puts participants on…

Call for Applications, 2014-2015 Visual Resources Association Foundation Internship Award

2014-2015 Visual Resources Association Foundation Internship Award: Call for Applications   Award Description: The Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF) Internship Award provides financial support for graduate students preparing for a career in visual resources and image management. The award grants $4,000 to support a period of internship in archives, libraries, museums, visual resources collections in…

Unpaid internship, Cundy’s Harbor Library, Harpswell ME

Cundy’s Harbor Library is seeking to fill an unpaid intern position as we migrate our collection from Microsoft Access to Library World.  Attention to detail is important.  We are in a small coastal fishing village in a pleasant location.  The cataloging position is immediate; there may be other work once that project is completed.  …

Graduate Scholar Award, Twelfth International Conference on Books, Publishing, and Libraries

Student scholarships are available for the 2014 International Conference on Books, Publishing, and Libraries which will be held at Simmons November 8-9, 2014.    Application

Nominate your favorites for ASIS&T Awards!

Do you know of someone in at GSLIS who deserves an award for their work? I have listed below some awards due this summer. Contact me with any nominations you have for any of the following awards – I will follow up with you for further information and assist in gathering the necessary letters of…

Bernard Vavrek Scholarship, Association of Bookmobile & Outreach Services

The Association of Bookmobile & Outreach Services, an affiliate of the American Library Association, offers annual awards that recognize outstanding service, support for conference attendance, and the education of a student currently enrolled in a Library Science degree program.  This year’s ABOS annual conference will take place at the Bahia Resort in San Diego, CA…

Intern, TOTH + Co, Boston MA

There’s a sign at Toth + Co that sums up our work, our mission, and our office lifestyle in two simple words: Be Yourself. For over 30 years Toth has helped some of America’s most popular brands do just that, from Coach to Tommy Hilfiger to Indian Motorcycle, and for over 20 years our staff…