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Opportunities for Current Students

Call for Applications: 2015 Gerd Muehsam Award Sponsored by the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA)

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) is accepting applications for the 2015 Gerd Muehsam Award. ARLIS/NA sponsors this award annually for a student paper or individual/group web project focused on a topic relevant to art librarianship or visual curatorship. Current students and recent graduates in are encouraged to apply.  Applicants must have created…

Archives Intern, WalkBoston, Boston, MA

WalkBoston is seeking an archives intern to work with us to develop an effective and easy-to-use system for storing and retrieving photos of walk assessments, events and field visits. We need assistance with both designing and implementing the system. WalkBoston is a non-profit pedestrian advocacy organization dedicated to improving walking conditions in cities and towns…

ALISE/University of Washington Information School Youth Services Graduate Student Travel Award

Description: The ALISE Youth Services SIG seeks graduate student applications for the ALISE / University of Washington Information School Youth Services Graduate Student Travel Award, which supports costs associated with travel to, and participation in, the 2015 ALISE Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. Sponsorship: This award is sponsored by the University of Washington Information School Prize: The award…

Pre-professional Positions (2), Center for the History of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

The Center for the History of Medicine, Francis A. Countway Library, Harvard Medical School is currently seeking applications for two LHT (17 hours per week) positions to support Center acquisitions, accessioning, and processing work. LHTs re-house unique manuscript and archival materials, create folder lists, carry out preservation photocopying and other preservation tasks, work with rare…

Associate Fellowship Program, National Library of Medicine

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is accepting applications for its Associate Fellowship program, a one-year training program for recent MLS graduates and librarians early in their career. In the first half of the year, a formal curriculum offers exposure to library operations, research and development, intramural and extramural research, development and lifecycle of NLM’s…

Alaska Library Association Scholarships for Graduate Library Studies

AkLA has established a scholarship program to support the education of librarians for Alaska’s libraries, including school libraries. The stated purpose is to provide financial assistance to worthy students pursuing graduate studies in Library Science and to encourage graduates to return to Alaska to work in professional library positions. Preference is given to qualified applicants…

Law Librarians of New England Fall Meeting Scholarship

The LLNE Scholarship Committee  is accepting applications for financial assistance to attend the LLNE/ABLL Fall Meeting. Boston College Law Library and the Association of Boston Law Librarians  are co-hosting the meeting on October 24, 2014 at the Boston College Connors Center in Dover, Mass. The theme of the meeting is Reinventing the Law Library: Meeting the…

Law Librarians of New England Academic Scholarship Award

The LLNE Scholarship Committee is accepting applications for the LLNE academic scholarship award. Applications for academic scholarships must be received by October 20, 2014. The academic scholarship guidelines, as well as the specific application form, can be found on the LLNE website.

Wolfgang M. Freitag Internship Award

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) accepts applications for its annual Internship Award each fall. This award provides financial support for students preparing for a career in art or architecture librarianship or visual resources curatorship via a grant of $3,000.00 to support a 150 hour internship in an art or architecture related setting such as…

Student Ambassador, SLIS Admissions Office, Boston, MA

The SLIS Admissions Office is looking for a current SLIS graduate student (minimum 2 classes completed) to help us provide outstanding outreach and customer service to prospective SLIS students. The Student Ambassador will represent SLIS to prospective graduate students via in-person, telephone, and email conversations, as well as through social networking tools. The Student Ambassador…