SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Opportunities for Current Students

Spring 2015 Library Cataloging Internship, Mohonk Preserve, New Paltz, NY

Interns will gain valuable experience cataloguing a library established in the 19th century. The majority of the collection is from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Mohonk Preserve is one of America’s largest and most historic private, non-profit nature preserves. For nearly 50 years the Mohonk Preserve has been protecting over 8,000 acres of…

Cataloging Internship, State Library of Massachusetts, Boston, MA

Since the early nineteenth century, the State Library has continuously collected materials that reflect Massachusetts’ government, culture, and history and continues to maintain the most comprehensive collection of Massachusetts state publications in existence. Its collection has been carefully and thoughtfully gathered for over 185 years, and it forms a tremendous resource for all areas of…

Digital Archives Internship, Trustees of Reservations, Sharon, MA

Internship Title: Digital Archives Internship Application Deadline: January 31, 2015 Organization: Trustees of Reservations Location Name: Archives & Research Center, The Trustees of Reservations Address: 27 Everett Street City, State, ZIP: Sharon, MA, 02067 Website: Supervisor: Sarah Hayes, [email protected] Hours: 4-10 hours per week, Monday-Friday between 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Transportation: Travel reimbursement available:  gas mileage (if driving) or train ticket (if taking commuter rail)…

Internship, Rockingham Free Public Library, Bellows Falls, VT

The Rockingham Free Public Library in Bellows Falls, VT seeks an intern with an interest in archival photograph collections to assist with an NEH grant-funded rehousing project. The project will focus on glass plate and large format photograph rehousing and cataloging. More details about the grant and our specific award can be found at:…

Volunteer Archiving Intern Position, The Laboratory of Adult Development, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Principal Investigator: Robert J. Waldinger, M.D. About the Lab The Study of Adult Development is one of the longest and richest longitudinal studies of human development ever conducted. For more than 70 years, two groups of men have been studied from adolescence into late life to identify the predictors of healthy aging. This study has allowed us to…

Junior Fellows Summer Intern Program, Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Program Overview The Library of Congress Junior Fellows Summer Intern Program enables undergraduate and graduate students to experience the integrated analog and digital collections and services of the world’s largest, all-inclusive library. Working under the direction of Library curators and specialists in various divisions, fellows explore digital initiatives and increase access to the institution’s unparalleled…

Library and Archives Internship, Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square, PA

Application deadline:  Feb. 1, 2015 Longwood Gardens Library and Archives seeks a graduate level student in Library Science or Archival studies (or related equivalent) to gain experience in the operations and management of a horticultural special library and institutional archives. Recent graduates may also apply. The intern works in each section of the unit–Library, Digital Gallery,…

Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources and Image Management

Announcing SEI 2015!  See In its twelfth year as a joint program between the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) and the Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF), the annual Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources and Image Management will be held at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign from June 9-12, 2015. SEI is an…

Junior Fellowship, European Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC

For a stipend of $3,000, the 2015 class of Junior Fellows will work full-time with Library specialists and curators from June 1 through Aug. 7, 2015, to inventory, describe and explore collection holdings and to assist with digital-preservation outreach activities throughout the Library. The program aims to increase access to collections and awareness of the…

Digital Curation Intern, Open Learning Exchange, Cambridge, MA

Open Learning Exchange (OLE) seeks a dedicated, passionate library intern to curate and expand our digital library, or BeLL (Basic e-Learning Library). This individual will coordinate library resource collection, maintenance, and software quality assurance efforts. This position is ideal for an undergraduate or graduate student interested in library sciences, digital preservation, international education, and literacy…