SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Opportunities for Current Students

Reading Room Student Assistants, Schlesinger Library, Cambridge, MA

Hours: The Library is open Monday through Saturday, 9 to 5.14 hours/week with weekly schedule to be determined. Schedules will include some Saturdays each month.   Eligibility: This is a pre-professional position open to currently enrolled Simmons GLIS students.   Library: The Schlesinger Library draws thousands of researchers each year to study the history of women in…

Summer Student Intern, Joslin Diabetes Center, Boston, MA

We are seeking an enthusiastic candidate for a part-time or full-time position over the summer to assist in our study of nutrition in type 1 diabetes. Here at Joslin Diabetes Center, the student will have the opportunity to be a part of a research project team, as well as interact with foremost researchers in the…

Coding, Robotics & STEAM Instructor, Coding Butterfly, Newton, MA

Teachers are a huge part of what we do at Coding Butterfly. They are the reason we are successful, and students are prepared for their futures! We are looking for summer camp counselors to uphold the culture and ideals of Coding Butterfly. More specifically, we are looking to hire 5-10 energetic individuals to teach our Summer Camp…

Cataloging Intern, State Library of Massachusetts, Boston, MA

The Technical Services Department at the State Library of Massachusetts is offering an unpaid volunteer internship for a current Simmons cataloging student interested in gaining practical cataloging experience in a unique library setting. The internship will focus first on RDA copy cataloging of print monographs and then will focus on RDA original cataloging of print…

Fisher Fine Arts Intern, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

The Fisher Fine Arts Library is offering an internship program to current MLS students interested in subject-specific librarianship. The internship is an opportunity for the library to offer leadership while benefiting from support to the library’s research, instruction, and outreach programming. Responsibilities: Assist with iPad lending program Develop library programs such as workshops, events, and…

Biomedical Library Intern, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

The University of Pennsylvania Biomedical Library seeks an energetic Intern to participate as a full member of our Information Services team, receive mentoring by our progressive and seasoned team of professional librarians, and jumpstart your career as an information professional! The Biomedical Library operates as an integral part of the Penn Libraries system and provides…

Call for Submissions: ASIS&T SIG-AH Student Research Award

SIG AH is seeking previously unpublished research for a Master’s or PhD Student Research Award including a free ASIS&T membership and cash prize up to $500! The theme, “Games and Information Science,” invites participation from a variety of theoretical and empirical perspectives on the topic. We encourage graduate-level submissions from a broad range of disciplines…

Part-Time Audiovisual Archives Intern, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, Boston, MA

Interns in the Audiovisual Archives of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library primarily assist staff in answering reference requests and making reproductions of audiovisual materials. The intern’s primary responsibility will be working directly with off-site patrons, which requires excellent research dexterity and customer service skills. Patrons may include anyone from film producers to publishers to…

Bibliographic Researcher and Document Delivery Assistant, Harvard Law School Library, Cambridge, MA

Harvard Law School Library is looking for one Bibliographic Researcher and one Document Delivery Assistant to help the Faculty Research and Information Delivery Assistance (FRIDA) team.    Duties include: Processing materials, books, and articles for faculty members Walking to libraries across campus to get books Delivering books to faculty offices Picking up books from faculty…

Project Archivist, Millis Public Library, Millis, MA

The Millis Public Library seeks candidates for a temporary, part-time Archivist who will be responsible for the processing and digitizing items from the library’s local history collection. Schedule is flexible within normal business hours. This is a grant-funded position that reports to the Library Director. Preferred Qualifications Include:  MLIS or MLIS Student Specialization in archives…