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Museum Positions

PART TIME Project Cataloger, Connecticut Museum of Culture and History, Hartford, CT

Organization: Connecticut Museum of Culture and History (formerly known as the Connecticut Historical Society) Title: Project Cataloger, Part Time About the American Revolution Papers Digitization Project:The American Revolution Papers Digitization Project was planned in anticipation of thecountry’s 250 th anniversary, and will elevate, contextualize, and make more accessible acollection of nationally significant 18th‐century manuscript holdings…

Associate Reference Librarian, Phillips Library, Peabody Essex Museum, Rowley, MA

About the Library The Phillips Library at the Peabody Essex Museum is among the oldest libraries in America. Rich primary and secondary sources – including vast quantities of manuscripts, books, photographs, maps, broadsides and ephemera – make it a fruitful location for research and discovery. The library is based at PEM’s James B. and Mary…