SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Academic Positions

Director of Library Services, Newbury College, Brookline MA

Newbury College invites applications and nominations for a full-time position as Director of Library Services starting in January 2014.   Newbury is an undergraduate college that integrates career education with the study of liberal arts.  We endeavor to graduate students who are professionally competent, ethically aware, socially responsible, and prepared for lifelong learning.   The College features small…

Applications Analyst/Programmer, Research Libraries Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY

The Research Libraries Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY is pleased to announce an opportunity for an Applications Analyst/Programmer to join the staff in the Division of the CIO. Reporting to the Manager, Technical Services, the Applications Analyst/Programmer assumes primary responsibility for, and technical leadership of analysis, programming, data conversion and systems administration of specific library…

Library Director, Olin College of Engineering, Needham MA

Job summary: Olin is currently recruiting an innovative leader in the role of Library Director. This forward thinking professional will work collaboratively across the community to continue the development of the resources, services and collections that support the teaching and research needs of the College. The library is a dynamic virtual and physical space whose…

Scientific Data Management Specialist, Brown University, Providence RI

The Brown University Library invites applications for the position of Scientific Data Management Specialist.  As the Library’s primary liaison for scientific data management services, the Scientific Data Management Specialist initiates outreach to science faculty and departmental staff to understand and facilitate data collection, data curation and data reuse as part of the research processes.  Ensuring…

Global Open Knowledgebase (GOKb) Editor, North Carolina State Libraries, Raleigh NC

The NCSU Libraries invites applications and nominations for the position of GOKb Editor. This position provides a unique opportunity to participate in a high-profile collaborative project to develop a freely-available, community-managed data repository of key publication information about electronic resources. In partnership with Kuali OLE member libraries and Jisc, the GOKb editor will be responsible for GOKb’s data quality and…

Physical Sciences Librarian, Dartmouth College Library, Hanover NH

The Dartmouth College Library seeks a motivated, forward-looking information professional to join a collaborative team at the Kresge Physical Sciences Library, supporting faculty and students in the physical sciences, mathematics, and computer science.   This person will help develop, sustain and promote effective and user-centered library programs, services and collections in one or more disciplinary areas,…

Head of Research & Instruction, Hirsh Health Sciences Library, Tufts University, Boston MA

The Head of Research & Instruction will manage and lead an active department of 7 librarians, as well as supervising the evening coordinator. Major activities include developing education strategies and providing reference and research consultation.  The Head of Research & Instruction will participate in the development of library and departmental objectives, serve on the library…

Technical Services Librarian, Marlboro College, Marlboro VT

Marlboro College seeks a Technical Service Librarian to join its Rice-Aron Library team. This librarian has primary responsibility for all of the library’s technical services functions, including acquisitions, cataloging, processing, and maintenance of items in the library’s collections. Along with three other library staff, this librarian also provides public service and carries out other general duties…

Assistant Professor, Digital History, George Mason University, Fairfax VA

The George Mason University, Department of History and Art History invites applications for a tenure-track position in Digital History at the rank of Assistant Professor. The teaching load is 2-2.  Qualifications: While the historical field is open, candidates must have the ability to teach digital theory and methods at the undergraduate and graduate levels including a…

Cartographic Reference & Digital Projects Librarian, Osher Map Library, Portland ME

Cartographic Reference & Digital Projects Librarian, Osher Map Library University Library Full-time (100%), Portland UMPSA represented   The Cartographic Reference & Digital Projects Librarian provides cartographic and geographic reference services and consultations both onsite and online; maintains Osher Map Library’s  (OML) website content; and explores the use of technology to advance teaching, learning, and research…