SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Academic Positions

Head of Reference and Research Services, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley CA

POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTUniversity of California, Berkeley Head of Reference and Research Services The Bancroft Library Hiring range: Associate Librarian IV – Librarian II $59,352 – $79,536 per annum, based on qualifications This is a full-time, career-track appointment available starting July 2014. The Bancroft Library of the University of California, Berkeley, seeks a Head of Reference and…

Associate University Librarian (AUL), Oregon Health & Science University, Portland OR

The Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Library in Portland seeks a creative, dynamic, and innovative Associate University Librarian (AUL) for Content Management and Systems (CMS). The Institution: OHSU is the state’s only comprehensive academic health center and is made up of the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, and Nursing; College of Pharmacy; numerous Centers and…

Electronic Resources and Serials Librarian, Tufts University, Hirsh Health Sciences Library, Boston MA

The Electronic Resources and Serials Librarian is responsible for the management, licensing, access and maintenance of the electronic resources of the library. The librarian will: • Works closely with the Head of Collection Management to oversee the electronic resources of the library to assure seamless access for our users • Interacts regularly with a wide…

2014-2015 Graduate Assistantship, James E. Brooks Library, Central Washington University, Ellensburg WA

Graduate Assistantship Available for 2014-2015 James E. Brooks Library Central Washington University Ellensburg, Washington   The James E. Brooks Library announces a graduate assistantship program for individuals who already have an MLS, or equivalent, and who desire a second subject master degree.  This two-year program allows an individual to study in any of CWU’s more…

Library Director, New York Medical College, Valhalla NY

New York Medical College (NYMC) is a leading health sciences university and biomedical research, clinical care and teaching institution, invites applications for the position of Lillian Hetrick Huber Director of the Health Sciences Library (HSL). The Library director reports directly to the Chancellor (CEO) and provides dynamic leadership and oversight for the HSL of NYMC….

Integrated Social Sciences Librarian, University of Washington Libraries, Seattle WA

The University of Washington Libraries seeks an enthusiastic librarian committed to providing a range of services to the online Integrated Social Sciences undergraduate degree and Evening Degree Completion Programs administered by UW Professional and Continuing Education. The librarian provides assistance to program-specific students, staff, and faculty using a range of educational techniques and technologies, and…

Research Specialist for GIS, Digital Humanities Center, University of Rochester, Rochester NY

POSITION SUMMARY: The River Campus Libraries at the University of Rochester seeks an innovative, collaborative GIS Librarian. The GIS Librarian will report to the Head of the Digital Humanities Center (DHC) and support GIS initiatives and projects across the disciplines with a particular focus in the humanities. Working closely with the Head of the Center,…

Library/Knowledge Management Intern, Eskind Biomedical Library, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville TN

Library/Knowledge Management InternEskind Biomedical Library (EBL) and Knowledge Management at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) offer a one-year Library/Knowledge Management Intern appointment with the possibility for extension to a second year Fellowship given appropriate demonstration of skills/knowledge and successful completion of initial training. The internship is designed to provide training in a dynamic health care…

Head of Technical Services and University Archives, Westfield State University, Westfield MA

Westfield State University seeks an energetic and forward-looking librarian to lead the library’s Technical Services and Archives functions. This is a full-time, 12-month tenure track position responsible for managing Ely Library’s Technical Services Department and planning for and overseeing the University Archives. This position reports to the Library Director. Noted for its strong sense of…

Digital Scholarship Librarian, Boston College, Chestnut Hill MA

Job Description Boston College Libraries seeks TWO creative, knowledgeable, and intellectually curious Digital Scholarship Librarians (Arts & Humanities, and Sciences & Social Sciences) to advance digital scholarship initiatives at Boston College by providing consultation, technical support, and project management for faculty, librarians, staff, and students engaged in technology-rich scholarly projects, Under the direction of the…