SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Academic Positions

Discovery Librarian, Lander University, Greenwood, SC

Institution: Lander University  Location: Greenwood, SC  Type: Faculty (promotional-track, non-tenure)   Category: Librarian (Rank — Assistant Librarian)    Job Purpose: Coordinates research and discovery services in a small, student-centered, team environment.     Job Duties: Coordinates library reference/research services using existing and emerging technologies.  Works to ensure that the library’s subscription databases, e-journals and e-books are…

Lecturers/Professors of Informatics, University at Albany, Albany, NY

CEHC is seeking multiple open rank tenure-track and/or full time lecturer/professor of practice faculty positions in the growing field of Informatics. Candidates’ focus within Informatics is open, but may include: IUX, HCI, Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, Software Engineering, Social Informatics, Information Governance, Statistics, and Web Science. Candidates should be able to take an integrative approach in…

Assistant Professors (2), Texas Woman’s University, Denton, TX

Texas Woman’s University School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS) invites applications for two tenure-track positions at the Assistant Professor level. With significant enrollment growth in recent years, the school has received support from the university for additional faculty lines to enhance and enrich the quality of our graduate programs and student learning experiences. The…

Sciences Librarian, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas Libraries seeks innovative, collaborative, user-focused applicants for the position of Sciences Librarian. Reporting to the Head of the Library Liaison Program, this position will support undergraduate, graduate and faculty research in the College of Sciences throughout their practice and creative process, supporting the full research lifecycle. Liaison librarians serve…

Assistant Professors (2), Emporia State University, Emporia, KS

Emporia State University’s School of Library and Information Management (SLIM, seeks two new tenure-track faculty members at the assistant professor rank who complements the strengths of our existing faculty and shares our mission to educate successful library and information science professionals with imagination, creativity and innovation. We especially invite candidates who… Share our vision…

Assistant Professor, University of North Texas, Denton, TX

The Department of Information Science at the College of Information of the University of North Texas (UNT) invites applications for a tenured position in the school library certification program at the rank of assistant professor.     Responsibilities:  The candidate will teach, conduct research, and provide service in an academic tenured position with emphasis on school…

Engineering Librarian (Part-Time), Northeastern University, Boston, MA

Northeastern University Library seeks candidates to fill a part time, two-month term position providing support for Northeastern’s College of Engineering (COE), with the possibility of renewal upon review. Reporting to the Interim Head of STEM and Entrepreneurship, responsibilities include: Outreach to faculty to provide information on library collaboration opportunities and collections Working directly with students…

Assistant Professor, San José State University, San José, CA

Department: School of Information Specialization: Information Retrieval, HCI, Digital Archives Rank: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) Job Opening ID (JOID): 25083 Qualifications: An earned doctorate by start of appointment. A record of scholarly and professional achievement. Evidence of teaching effectiveness. 100% online teaching experience strongly preferred Applicants should demonstrate awareness of and sensitivity to educational goals…

Digital Literacy Librarian, University of Saint Joseph, West Hartford, CT

The University of Saint Joseph invites applications for a full-time Digital Literacy Librarian. This position will develop and deliver sophisticated information services and resources to the students, faculty and staff of the University.  A self-motivated, enthusiastic and user-oriented librarian is being sought to serve the School of Pharmacy & Physician Assistant Studies and science/health care…

Access Services/Circulation Coordinator, Rivier University, Nashua, NH

Responsibilities Coordinate the circulation and availability of library materials, provide information to library patrons, maintain the library stacks, and supervise student workers.   Plan, supervise and coordinate circulation desk operations, including the checking in and out of library materials in all formats, maintaining circulation records and generating reports and notices. In coordination with faculty, maintain…