SLIS Jobline Your Source for Professional, Pre-Professional, and Internship Positions

Academic Positions

Cataloging and Metadata Strategies Librarian, San Diego State University Library, San Diego, CA

Description: he San Diego State University (SDSU) Library invites applications and nominations for a 12-month, tenure-track position to be appointed at the Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian level (depending on experience), with a start date of July 1, 2021. The Cataloging and Metadata Strategies Librarian will provide expertise and leadership as part of the Content…

Instruction Librarian, Auburn University Libraries, Auburn, AL

Description: Auburn University Libraries invites applications and nominations for Instruction Librarian. We seek a creative, enthusiastic, and user-focused librarian, with a commitment to student learning, to join our Research and Instruction Services Department. Reporting to the Head of Research and Instruction Services, the successful candidate will work with the Instruction Coordinator and departmental faculty to…

Chemistry Librarian, Auburn University Libraries, Auburn, AL

Description: Auburn University Libraries seeks an innovative, knowledgeable, and user-focused individual to serve as the Chemistry Librarian, supporting distinctive programs of research, teaching and learning in the primary liaison areas of Chemistry & Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering, as well as an emerging Bioinformatics program. Reporting to the Head of Research & Instruction Services in Auburn…

Digital Scholarship Librarian, Auburn University Libraries, Auburn, AL

Description: Auburn University Libraries (AUL) invites applications for a twelve-month tenure-track position as Digital Scholarship Librarian. Reporting to the Assistant Dean for Technology and Research Support in the Research Support Unit, the Digital Scholarship Librarian will work collaboratively to support the scholarly and research activities of Auburn faculty, researchers, and students by developing specialized research…

Six Open-Rank Tenure-Track Faculty Positions, Syracuse University School of Information Studies, Syracuse, NY

Description: Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies (the iSchool, invites applications for scholars to fill six open-rank tenure-track faculty positions to start in Fall 2021. Successful candidates will demonstrate a history of or strong potential for sustained research excellence in an information-related field and will contribute to the development of students and courses in our…

Student Success Librarian (2 Openings), University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Description: The UConn Library seeks two proactive librarians who are passionate about positively impacting the holistic student experience.  The Student Success Librarians will work collaboratively with Library colleagues, students, and campus partners to actively support student academic success and lifelong learning at UConn.  The successful candidates will draw on strong interpersonal and collaboration skills to…

Curator for the Maine Women Writers Collection, University of New England, Portland, ME

Description: Administer daily operations and collections management for the Maine Women Writers Collection (MWWC). Work in conjunction with the Dorothy M. Healy Professor of Literature and Health to acquire and promote the use of MWWC materials. Maintain regular communication and collaboration with the Dorothy M. Healy Professor on all aspects of MWWC work. Major Responsibilities:…

Wellbeing Graduate Resident Advisor, MIT, Cambridge, MA

Divisional and Position Overview: A signature goal of the Division Student Life (DSL) is to make MIT known for its culture of wellbeing. To achieve that goal, DSL will provide support services that are robust and accessible to all students, educate the campus community about prevention, and create spaces on campus that promote wellbeing. Working…

Digital Metadata Librarian, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

Duties/Expectations: Creates, updates, remediates, transforms, imports, and exports metadata for digital objects and collections residing in various library systems and metadata repositories Coordinates aggregation of digital content and metadata, including digital object metadata and descriptive records Maintains and updates metadata application profiles Creates metadata ingest templates Performs quality control and quality assessment of metadata describing…

Economics, Finance, and Social Sciences Data Librarian, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT

Duties/Expectations: Meet and communicate regularly with teaching faculty in assigned academic departments. Develop collections and manage content in the assigned areas. Promote and provide Instruction in information literacy. Provide reference/research support. Develop innovative services and resources to support data literacy and management, including the discovery, mining, analysis, visualization, curation, preservation, ethical use, and sharing of…